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Since that night, things had changed. Ten, your relationship, and even you had changed. And for the better.

Your original plan was to not include anything about that night in the hospital. It was too personal, you reasoned. But Ten begged you to write it into the article, desperately pleading with half-eaten pizza in his mouth as the two of you had been in the middle of a stay-in date night at his place.

"It'll tarnish your reputation, Ten."

"That's the point," he insisted. "My reputation is too big, too much. If they just knew that I wasn't some perfect, suave superhero, I wouldn't... you know, end up in the rain again."

With a painful twinge in your chest, you nodded, "I know, Ten. But it'll tarnish the hospital's reputation too. They'd fire you."

He sighed, looking very dejected as he swallowed the pizza.

"So, it looks like I'll just have to completely scrub your testimony and rely on my anonymous confidant at an unknown hospital with experience in the high-stakes medical profession."

Ten only gave you a peek of his bright grin before he pulled your mouth to his. The kiss tasted like the pizza you'd just been eating, but you didn't care. It was Ten, and that was all that mattered.

That was the first notion to you that he was well and truly opening up to you. He was letting himself address the serious things in his life.

"You look stunning, darling," Ten complimented you as he walked up behind where you were appraising yourself in the mirror.

Tonight, you two were going to some red-carpet event Dejun and Sicheng were having for their first blockbuster movie premiere. Ten had arrived to pick you up almost an hour too early—already in his impressive suit and looking like a million bucks while you were still in your pajamas—so now he was waiting patiently with you in your room as you got ready.

"Oh I know, it's just a little wrinkly," you said with some humor in your voice, smoothing out a few unfortunate wrinkles in the material of your outfit. "And I don't like that one either."

He'd been spending the past week trying to find a pet name for you, and so far, you hadn't approved of any of them.

"I'm sorry, my love," his arms snaked around your waist to pull you back into him.

That made you grin before you could even think about it, a happy flush coming to your cheeks.

He definitely noticed this, small smirk coming to his lips, "You like that one, my love?"

You nodded, humming in content as you felt him press kisses your cheek and neck, softly repeating the name over and over between each one.

It all finally struck you sometime later as you walked into your new apartment after a long day of meetings at the publishing company, setting your bag down beside Ten's on your countertop. You picked up the elegant black cat who had wrapped herself around your legs and she purred with delight as you cradled her in your arms, venturing further in to search for Ten. He wasn't too far from the entryway, already lumbering down the hallway from your bedroom to greet you. He seemed to be struggling to keep his eyes open, a yawn splitting his mouth as if he'd just woken up.

"Hi, my love," he murmured before locking his lips with yours.

After he'd successfully rendered you breathless and dizzy, he disconnected your mouths, seeming satisfied with his job of leaving you flustered.

"Hi," you repeated, voice turning from dreamy to fondly chastising as the feline in your arms started rubbing her face against your bicep. "So needy, Lucy."

"We both missed you," Ten had a near pout on his lips as he followed you to the couch, carefully dragging you onto his lap, ever so mindful of your pet.

A delightful smell drifted to your nose from the kitchen as you settled onto his lap.

"Were you cooking or napping when I walked in?"

"I cooked, then was about to take a nap when I heard the door open."

You had a small frown across your features, "You could've taken a nap, Ten. I know you had a tough surgery last night. You weren't even back when I left this morning."

"Like I said," he kissed you again. "I missed you, my love."

After a peaceful and comfortable silence had descended over the three of you, with you absentmindedly stroking Lucy's fur and Ten absentmindedly running his fingers through your hair, your boyfriend suddenly spoke up.

"Hey Y/N, thanks."

You looked at him with interest, "For what?"

"Taking a chance on me, I know you were kind of hesitant at the beginning. And the middle. So thanks, for giving me a chance."

Pecking his forehead, you smiled down at him, "Well, thanks for letting me take that chance even though you knew I was hesitant."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

It was then. Right then, that it all struck you. The first time you'd said those three words back to him. Which was something he had definitely noticed, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as he was absolute beaming.

This was where you were always meant to be. The only place you really wanted to be, for the rest of your life. With Ten.

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