Chapter 2-Study Group

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters in this fanfiction, J.K Rowling does. Also, sorry this chapter is going to be so short! (And abrupt.)

Six years later..

It was sixteen-year-old Scorpius' first day back at Hogwarts, and already he had at least five hours of homework. His bag must have weighed forty or fifty pounds, and he groaned as he carried it through the halls.

"Need help?" a girl's voice asked.

Scorpius turned around and saw a girl with long red hair and freckles staring at him.

"Rose," she said. "Rose Granger-Weasley."

"Granger-Weasley?" Scorpius echoed.

"I'm guessing you're the Malfoy," she said. "Yes, Granger-Weasley. Now, do you need help?"

"No," Scorpius stammered. He was mesmerized by this girl's exotic beauty. "Um-so, this is going to sound weird, since I've only known you for like-" he coughed- "five seconds, but would you maybe want to meet up after classes?"

Rose cracked a smile. "Sure."

She spun on her heel and walked away, flashing her smile back at Scorpius. He felt dizzy. 

He had literally asked a girl out after knowing her for five seconds.

"You the man, Scorpius!" he said to himself as he walked down the hall towards the Slytherin dormitories.

When he got to the dormitory, Albus looked up at him from his desk. "Do you know this stuff?" he asked desperately.


Scorpius thought for a moment. "Sort of??"

"Thank god," Albus said, letting out a sigh of relief. "I can't understand any of this at all!"

"Would you help me?" Albus asked.

Study Group with ScorbusWhere stories live. Discover now