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Jisung was walking around the school blocks as he as no idea where Felix went. He did come across the library and thought if he can't find Felix, he reckons he can just spend the rest of the day hiding in the library

The library was pretty empty since most students have classes on friday, so fun. I know. Jisung was walking around the library till he spotted a shelf that has some interesting books

He never thought he will be interested in reading, because he wanted to sleep whenever he reads. Reading was like sleeping pills, but books that are online is something different.

As Jisung was about to grab a book, another hand reached out and both accidentally touched hands, "omg sorry"

"Ah no worries..you can have it" Jisung smiled at the girl and left, he heard the girl and their friends squeaking, he chuckled

"I'm too gay for this" Jisung thought

The boy did wanted to stay in the library, but he figured he should just find an empty classroom at the building that's not in use by the school and rest there, taking a nap or whatever

He grabbed himself a coffee can and walked towards the empty school building, he picked a kinda dark classroom hardly with any sunlight to take naps

He gently pushed the door open, he was shocked once he saw someone in the class, since he came in from the back door whoever is at the front probably didn't notice him. Jisung unhurriedly walked towards that person, he gasped softly as he saw it was Felix.

Felix, who looks like have fallen asleep against the wall while reading some book, Jisung when closer and chuckled at the boy, he bends down and stared at the younger

"See, if you're quiet, you are quite cute..when can you stop fighting with me?" Jisung said as he reached his hand out and gently moved Felix's hair away from his eyes

".....He's pretty" Jisung mumbled, he maybe...just maybe snapped a few photos and decided to sit next to the boy, just for fun you know, even though he knows Felix will probably kill him if he wakes up finding Jisung next to him

Jisung sat down next to Felix and softly moved Felix's head, so the boy could rest his head on his shoulder, instead of against the wall, it took Jisung by surprise that Felix cling onto his arm and rest his head there

Which made jisung's heartbeat dropped for a second, he felt his face turning red for no reason, and he was somewhat panicking a little

Calm down Jisung

Calm down

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