ChimChim (4)

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How have you guys been? I hope your taking care of yourself 💕

Jimin's POV

I can still feel the sting from crying, but I feel like I've cleaned up enough to not look absolutely pathetic. I look up just as the door is opening giving a closed eye smile.

Namjoon's POV

I open the door to a distraught Jimin. He looks pathetic. He is trying so hard to hold his smile, but his entire aura feels forced. His eyes are swollen and puffy and his cheeks are a light pink shade. I look down at his hands only go see that the tears that had previously been streaming down his face had been wiped off and are currently running from his wrist down his smallest fingers on each hand before finally falling to the wood plank of the porch he stands on. I can see right through his facade like I always have and I know my friend isn't hurt because he would have just had us come over. Jimin is sad.

I pull him inside by his shoulders and shut the door. Grabbing him by his small waist and holding his slim frame, I tighten my embrace with this young man who is still a child in my eyes. He is trembling as tears begin freely running down his face. I can feel each one beginning to puddle on my shoulder. I hear his shaky breath that is slowly becoming labored as he breaks out of his tough shell.

Looking over my left shoulder my boyfriend comes out of the hall, I assume after putting the dogs in our bedroom. He quietly hurries to the kitchen and I look back down at my friend. He is so frail in my arms and his sobs grow even louder. I can see his bottom lip protuding as his hands ball up coming to his face, but he's fighting it, fighting letting his stress go.

I let him go and hold his hand as we walk to the guest bedroom. I sit him on the edge of the bed as he slowly calms his sobs now becoming mere sniffles, but his tears still run down his puffy cheeks and falling to his black jean after dropping past his jawline.

I hurry down the hall to a tall white door where inside is just some storage where my boyfriend keeps some holiday items and cleaning supplies. In the back corner lays a small wooden bin. I grabbed it and took it back toward Jimin. I see my boyfriend coming and meeting me on the oppisite side of the open door, so Jimin couldn't see either of us from inside.

He mouthed the words, "Is he in little space yet? I brought some strawberry milk, some grapes and blueberries." He claims his long fingers pointing at each respective item as he lists it. "I'm not good at relationship counseling so if JK did something, Joonie I don't know how to help our little prince..."

It's a good thing I know how to read lips because that was a lot to take in.

"He is slipping, but is fighting it, so I brought his box. Let's go in." I nod my head toward the door and we both slip in to see tiny Jimin clinging onto a pillow almost like a small koala, his thumb swiping back and forth on his bottom lip deep in thought.

As soon as he looks up and sees that I have his box a grin slowly begins to creep upon his face. He throws the fluffy pillow to the other side of the room like it had done him wrong and begins jumping up and down in excitement.

"Joonie, tank you, tank you! Can, Can Jiminie haves his frien ChimChim pwease?" He has completely fallen into little space and although he stopped jumping he continues to wiggle his little bottom to a song that nobody, but him can hear.

"You're always such a polite little baby, always saying please and thank you. I really appreciate when you use your manners. Of course you can have ChimChim, I know he has missed you." His smile shines brightly at my words as he flips open the lid to find his stuffed toy swaddled in a blanket.

"You don need tis ChimChim..."Little Jimin carefully pulls the puppy from his soft blanket and hugs him tightly, "We are big boys now! Watch what Yoonie show Jiminie, watch what he show me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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