How My Friend Is the Best

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I wake up. I don't want to wake up. I want to sleep because sleep makes me forget about everything and I want to forget. As I slowly get to my senses, I can see that the person who woke me up is none other than Lindsay. I groan and roll over pulling the blanket over my head. "Let me sleep."

"Come on, Chris!" she says pulling at my blanket. "You've been in bed for three days now."

"So?" I look at her with annoyed expression.

"Get your ass up!"

"No," I mumble.

"Fine," she says and pulls on my blanket so hard I practically fall off the bed. She throws the blanket on my bed and helps me get up. I feel a bit dizzy from constant lying. "You're up? Great!" she clapps like she had just seen me get up by myself. "I made us breakfast."

"I don't want breakfast, Linds," I say and sit down on the bed. "I want to sleep," I say with a whining voice reaching for my blanket which Lindsay takes away immediately.

"You haven't eaten since the race!" she exclaims. "You refuse to eat, refuse to talk and obviously refuse to shower!"

I look at her with a tired expression. "Linds please, just let me sleep."

"Not a chance, little missy," she says pulling me on my feet again. "Come on, you need to eat something."

"What did you make?" I ask realising I am in fact really hungry.

"Nutella and toast," she says smiling at herself knowing this would make me eat.

I sigh. Starving to death will have to wait. "Sure." I shrug my shoulders and walk into the kitchen. I sit down and start eating the toast Lindsay put on the small plate with an orange juice next to it. "Thanks," I mumble.

Lindsay sit opposite me and starts mixing her cereal with yoghurt. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I say. Despising the fact Lindsay is the most amazing friend I ever had, she is quite a sucker when it comes to the populars in her college class and they pretty much hate me thus Lindsay gives them great opportunities to get some gossip material about me. Also they would come to my parents and that would ruin my chances.

"Ok," she simply says being positive as she always is. "So you said you're coming."

"If I'm coming where?" I ask with mouth full of toast.

"To zumba with me?" she asks with clear hope in her eyes.


"Come one, Chris!" she exclaims grabbing my hand. "You'll get moving and it will help you gain energy."

"No. Not a chance."



"Please, please, please, please, please, please..."

"Ok!" I exclaim and she squeals with clear excitement. "Ok."

"It starts in half an hour!" she says standing up placing her bowl in the sink. "You need a shower, girl," she says holding her nose tight.

I look at her and smile in disbelief. "I do not stink that much."

"Oh, but you do!" she exclaims and laughs. I only smirk at her. I don't feel like laughing. "Take a shower and I'll prepare our bags!"

"Sure," I say and drag myself to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dressed in jeans and a red hoodie. I walk out and Lindsay gives me my black backpack with a little kitty in the front. I chuckle a bit and take it.

Lindsay grabs my hands dragging me towards the door. We lock and go out. The air outside is fresh from the rain. It is spring, but this year there is way too much rain for this time. We went by bus since my vespa was still dead and the road was too slippery. Also both of us couldn't fit on Lindsay's bike. I lean my head on the cold window of the bus. Lindsay keeps telling me about who from her class is going to this zumba class, but I don't care. While she was in her first year of college, I took mechanics classes so I'd be prepared for the job in spring, but it was all for nothing. I can feel myself slowly sinking down the pool of negativity, but Lindsay grabs my hand pulling me off the bus. We came to the public fitness. I look at her with clear judgement for bringing me here in my eyes and all she does is squeal from excitement. We used to come here every week, but for some reason we stopped. We come to the changing room and we change. I see she took my black leggings and a red tank top. She is wearing the same thing just her top is almost neon pink. She bounds her blonde hair in a high ponytail and looks at me. "May I do your hair?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Why not?"

She smiles and starts making a bride out of my hair. All of a sudden the door on the other side of the room open and two of Lindsays "friends" come in. Both of them are wearing only bras and shorts. Of course. I'm not judging but I can't see myself being dressed like this is public. "Hey, girls!" greets Lindsay with her happy voice.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here," says one of them completely ignoring Lindsay who is now just begging for their attention.

"Me neither," I tell her with flat voice.

Lindsay laughs, but quickly stops as the other two completely ignore the joke. "We came for zumba," she says quietly. I can see she is afraid they will judge her.

"Well, have fun," says one of them. Both of them turn and walk away.

"Did I say something wrong?" asks Lindsay. I can see she is scared for her social position or something.

"No, they are just dumb," I tell her making sure they heard me, but as usual they ignore me. "Shall we?" I ask trying to get Lindsay a bit up.

Lindsay smiles, grabs my hand and pulls me to one of the main rooms where zumba class usually takes place. There are already women and girls gathering around us all excited all pretty, unlike me who is practically a zombie standing there trying not to look dead. The instructor comes into the room and starts the class. My physical strength is practically non existent thus I am out of breath in only a few minutes of jumping and doing the figures. I look at Lindsay who is a bit out of breath, but is clearly enjoying herself. I try to follow the instructor, but most of the time I just do the half figures and wait until the end, but the damn thing just doesn't want to end! Finally I give up since my muscles are hurting as hell. Walking back to the room where we left our bags, I sit down on the bench trying to catch my breath. I reach in my bag searching for the water, but I realise that Lindsay forgot about it. How could she forget the water?! I take a deep breath and walk to the shower area. There is no way I'm going back to the class. I used to be able to do the whole class, but now I am just not as active as I used to be and it shows. Quickly I just splash some places on my skin and drink some water from one of the pipes. As I come back I see that the rest of the girls are already in the room meaning the class has ended.

"You really couldn't hold in there for a few more minutes?" asks Lindsay smiling.

"Hey, I came here with you, don't complain!" I say raising my hands in defence which makes Lindsay smile for some reason.

I pick up my phone seeing it had a message. It's from Chuck. I can't help but imagine his boring voice as I read: "Get your ass to Rose's house at 3 o'clock."

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