give him a chance

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*Jaz'Lynn* Pov

I got dressed and then I got me a snack and something to drink.  I looked at the time. "2:32" it read. I walked out and started walking to the park. My father is almost never home because he has to " handle his business" and that thot of a step mom is cheating on my father I just know it I don't need evidence.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh, my, gosh, it's my bestfriend calling me I wonder whats wrong, this is only her 12th time calling my phone-" that was my ringtone for Tia when she calls.

* phone conversation*

Hey...nothing...Ohhh that's cool so where is the date and what day is it?.... Oh that's cool well I gotta call you back later T cause I gotta meet Chris at the park right now... Yes I'm giving him a chance....shutup...w.e girl..... Okay bye loveeeeeeeee you Tia!!!


I just got to the park and to my surprise Chris was already there with reeses snicker bars, hot chips, and done other snacks.

"Hey I would not have gotten us snacks if I knew that you had your own" he said jokingly. " Oh don't worry I'll eat mine and yours" I told him. We laughed together.

"I'm sorry about this morning again" I told him "it's okay Jaz'Lynn I needed that because most girls usually don't tell me no" he sails laughing

" well I guess I was your first" I said while opening my skittles.

*a few minutes later*

We were playing a game of 21 questions well he was asking me questions.

1) where we're you born?

Answer: Philly

2) what's your favorite candy?

Answer: redress and snicker

3) got a boyfriend?

Answer: Nope can't find the right one

4) do you think I could change that?

Answer: yes, no, maybe so

5) bisexual?

Answer: Never that, nothing against them but no.

6) Flirt?

Answer: yes maybe

7) Thot?

Answer: nigga don't try me I've only dated 3 boys.

8) can you be my bae?

Answer: no thug zone, No thug zone ( I started making a remix to no flex zone)

9) Favorite food?

Answer: pancakes and lasagna

10) do you think I'm fine?

Answer: high self-esteem or nah

11) do you have any siblings?

Answer: Nope

12) one last question can I take you date tomorrow?

Answer: Yes that's cool.

" Yessss I see that were getting somewhere over here" he said "boy you crazy I said. " GIVE me your phone I said to him"

He gave it to me and I saved my number in his phone and made my name "☕⚡☁complicated"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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