Episode 1:a new world

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On the ground there is a person laying,he open his eyes,wake up looks around this person is a man trying to stop a war between rider,this is shinji kido,shinji touch his head,he fell like he have a headache

Shinij: "where am'i?"he wondering where is this place,he remenber that he are fighting to protecting everyone from mirror monster with his comrade ren akiyama "is this after world?"and he sacrifice himself and now he thought that this is a afte life,he walking he see that have a lot of people using the horse and other thing "what the?did i just been in after life of the past?"he see a horse coming to him,he close his eyes hope the horse stop it and it stoping and the man riding the horse get down he was anger becaues shinji are in his way

Man: "hey you!"he were talking to shinji

Shinji:point himself "me!"

Man: "yeah you!What do you thinking ah!Standing my way,you must know that i have to devlivery this to a someone!"

Shinij: "uh i sorry!is just...?!"he didn't know what to said

Man:see that shinji is from other town "hey are you from other town?"

Shinji:look at him "oh yes i'm from other town"he have to lies

Man: "well!you can go now,next time you in my way i will get you to the king"he get on the horse and riding

Shinji:confusing that there is are a king here too "king?! Now i fell like i'm in the past now"he walking
Shinji keep walking not only that he also sightseeing the place he asked people live here that where is this place they said the place name fiore town,honestly that shinji don't know have a town mane like that,he walking and wondering how did he come here of coures that he is a death now but he remenber that after world not like this not like a past but he ingorne that thought as he are keep walking untill a girls bumping him make him and her sit on the ground

Shinji: "ouch!"he stand up a see a girls,he help her stand up "you okay?"

Girls:look at him "yeah i okay!sorry for bumping you"she sorry him

Shinji:smile "you don't have to sorry me is just natural,people bumping each other is natural!"

Girls: "yeah!"she see that he have some sense "well then i have to go find my team now"she walk pass him

Shinji:were confusing the part her team he stop her "hey!did you tell that you are going find yours team!"

Girls:look at him "yeah!that is what our mages are we work torgether"

Shinji:shocked that it is not only he is in the past but it also have a mages or he could call magic "eh!!!!!this place have a magic?"

Girls:question marks about him why he have to said like that "yeah!all the place is use by magic why you asked" she wondering "are you from other towns"

Shinji:lets her hand "yeah i from other town far aways from here!"he don't want talk about his city becaues she may think him crazy

Girls:surprise that he far a aways from the town "then have you had a home?"

Shinji:sad face "well right now i don't have a home"he sit downs

Girls:see shinji are despair,she don't want see people despair so she going help him "hey how about you going to my place live there?"

Shinji:look at her as he was shocked "what?and why you want me go live with you,you don't even know who i'm"

Girls:smile "becaues you remind me about me!"she point herself "when i were young i used to be despair like you,untill i finally have a place where i can call a home"she look at him

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