Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 34

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Davina's POV

We had sex last night. Hectic as hell but I loved it. The other day Elijah and I played games and enjoyed the day normally. Elijah was downstairs finishing up dinner for two he wanted to make it a little bit more official for us. I was on my way downstairs. I sense bad energy the minute I landed down there.

“Elijah?” I called. I walked to the living room, looking at Elijah standing with Caleb and three other body built men was there. Oh no. There was no escaping in this.

“Davina...hi. I see you're here to join us.” Caleb sarcasm made chills crawled up my back.

“Davina...stay behind me.” Elijah looked at me.

He was helpless in this situation but he still wanted to protect me.

“Do you think you can protect her?” Caleb asked Elijah.

“You better leave her out of this” Elijah's hands curled up into a fist.

“And let me ask you Davina...tell me the last time you ever gotten a chance to see Dorty?” Caleb asked me.

“Caleb I swear if you ever dear touch her, I will kill you.” I was crying on the inside but I didn't feared Caleb. I was scared of what he will be doing to Elijah.

Caleb scoffed, “ Pathetic. ”

“Elijah...what's going on? How did he find us?” I turned to Elijah but Elijah looked down but upset at the same time knowing how badly his friend betrayed him.

Caleb buts in, “I have an answer for that one. I tracked your device. It was easy.”


“Tell me...why are you taking Elijah?” I asked, my fists curled up at my side.

Caleb sighed, “Well...” Caleb walked over to me and stroke my cheeks.

“Don't fucking touch her.” Elijah warned.

I swat Caleb's hand away from my face, “Don't you dare fucking touch me.”

“Or else what? You're gonna beat me, kill me... what? You can do nothing babe.” Caleb teased.

Elijah got so angry he punched Caleb in the face. One of the body built men grabbed Elijah and held him firmly so he wouldn't escape. Caleb wiped the blood from his lip and scoffed, “You fucking jealous bastard.” He turned around and punched Elijah in the face twice.

Elijah's lip was oozing blood and from his nose. No. No.

“Stop...why are you doing this Caleb!?” I was crying. I couldn't held them in any longer.

“If you'd only stick to the plan you will be quite fine dear. But you betrayed me for this shack. If you did what you had to do according to the plan you wouldn't even liked him. But don't worry...” Caleb walked over to me, “I will never do a thing to hurt you.” He bit his lip.

Elijah was fuming in anger, “Stop touching her. It's me you want take me and stop fucking touching her.” His breathing was heaving since he was trying to set himself free from the man's strong grip.

“She is mines now little piece of shit. I will make you bleed slowly to death.” Caleb turned to look at Elijah. “After what you did? You framed my fucking father. You fucking framed him because of what!? Because he abused your fucking whore of a mother!?”

Now I see the point of all this.

“If I knew you were the one who framed him from all those years we were friends, I would kill you by now.” Caleb was angry. He couldn't hold back his feelings.

“You think I will make your fucking father abused my mother to death? I wouldn't fucking let him do that!” Elijah yelled.

“Well that's what you will be paying for. I will make you suffer until you beg me to kill you. Everything that you love and cherish will now be mines, including Davina who you fuck with.” Caleb's words sliced through me like a knife.

“Please don't. Caleb I'm begging you. Take me...take me please.” I begged. My throat was dry and my fingers were shaking. Elijah had been through quite a lot. It hurts.

“No... that will not happen baby girl. You're not the one that I need. He's the fucking one and I'll save some space for you and put you up to some real good use.” Caleb smirked at me.

“Leave her out of this man! Leave her out.” Elijah was trying his best to keep me out of this, but unluckily failed. We just had to accept the way things were and face what comes our way...even if that way was death.

“I'm sorry Davina. I am really sorry that you got yourself in this mess.” Elijah apologized, his eyes watery as he tried holding back his tears.

“Stop apologizing for something you didn't do Elijah! I hate it. I should be the one to apologize. Listen Elijah, I will get you out of this mess no matter what. I will do everything in my power to get you back." I explained to him.

“Not gonna happen.” Caleb sarcastic tone makes me wanna cut his cock off. If he had any.

“Shut the fuck up!” I pushed at Caleb's chest but he just smiled it off.

“You know...this is really drama. You guys hated each other. How can you be with someone who beats you physically? Wow.” Caleb was exaggerating.

“We have to go now Caleb.” One of the men said.

“One more moment. Any last words?” Caleb looked at Elijah, then at me.

“Elijah...I will get you out of this. I will do everything to get you back no matter how much pain it puts me through. I will do everything in my will to get you back. Have hope. I will get you back.” More tears fell from my eyes.

“D..avina...I love you.” Those were his very few last words.

“I love you too.” I said back.

“I feel like I'm the bad one in this although I feel like crying but times up. Men...take him with you. I'll take the beautiful Davina.” Caleb ordered.

Everything went very slow. I watched them took him away from me.


Oh yea *throws popcorn in the air* Did you cried? OMG...you did but I'm sorry if it's sad. But... I cried too *sniffs*

Q: Who feels like stabbing Caleb to death!?



Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now