Rare Attraction [7]

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Updated and published April 15th, 2017.

       Peace. Tranquility. Serenity. The sky consisted of a medley of shades; a mingling of searing reds, fiery oranges, and bright yellows. The sun was gradually receding into the waters below, preparing to take its nightly slumber. It was breathtakingly beautiful, and every single problem I'd ever had evaporated into nothingness. I stretched out on the blanket beneath me, relaxing in the view and the sounds of the waves as they crashed against the shore.

       Suddenly, a warm arm wrapped around my torso, pulling me in close. I turned my head ever so slightly and looked into the familiarity of those dark and intense eyes. Full of passion and hunger, comfort and safety. Intimately holding my eyes, he began to let his hands wonder, touching my body. Chills sprouted as rough skin stroked and fondled.

      Everything about this felt so right. Growing up, I remembered how I never belonged. None of the schools were welcoming. Friends were nonexistent. My family had secrets upon secrets, paying more attention on keeping us alive to see that I was so lost. However, here in his arms, I belonged. The feelings he stirred inside of me was overwhelming, yet very welcoming.

      "I don't ever want this to end," I murmured, my hand running through his soft hair.

      He stared at me for a long moment before softly smiling and tipped my chin with a finger so my head was angled up towards him. His lips gently, but firmly touched mine. A deep warmth spread through me as he claimed my mouth in a deep, slow, and languid kiss. I sank into his frame, wanting every inch of his body on mine. Immediately, he stiffened. Taking my face in between his hands, he pulled away.

       His eyes indicated that he wanted to completely devour me, but he was holding back, as if it was forbidden.

       "My sweet Aria," he softly said, his voice gravelly. "We can't do this."

       I frowned and stubbornly tried to lean in for another kiss, but his hands kept my face in place. "Why are you pushing me away?"

       All of a sudden, a short slash appeared on his cheek. The blood came quickly. His eyes continued to stare into mine as another materialized on his chest. It was much longer, gaping widely. There was no pain evident in his face. It almost looked as if he had no idea what was happening to him. Within seconds, I watched as more gashes were created.

       Getting on my knees, I started to shake his shoulders. "Zander! What is happening?"

       As if he was in a daze, he gazed up at me sweetly and smiled. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was splatters of blood.

       "Curare!" I cried out, my hands sweeping up and down his body. "Curare!"

       I gasped as the gashes became more prominent and deep. "No! Curare!" I desperately repeated, as my hands kept running over the gushing wounds.

       He reached up and caressed my face. The crimson liquid drenched my face as he choked out, "God, you're beautiful."

       Snatching my face away, I went to repeat the simple healing spell again when I noticed burns and tears on my hands. Covered in Zander's blood and my own wounds, I stood and screamed for help. I sobbed as I discovered only the forest surrounding us. Not giving up, I called out until my voice was almost no more.

       My legs began to carry me towards the trees when I spotted a figure. It was so far away. I couldn't make out any details, but it was a feminine shape. Her body faced me, but as I moved to get closer, she turned and ran into the forest.

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