Log D-91651-1

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"i... dont remember how i got to this... truck?... my head hurts like hell.." i murmured to myself.. the drive felt like hours... if not even a day or two...  I kept my little notebook and pen close and tried to write what happens. i wrote what i felt after the trial. and the weird back ally shady man that told me:"Dont worry kid. we will bail you out of it. but, you will have to be in a facility for a good month." i trusted that fuck-face. i was sure it would be like a community service! or some shit like that! if i knew what would happened i would never agreed to that!. "QUIET BACK THERE" it looks like i shouted. i need to keep my cool.. or else ill be dead meat. i tried to fall asleep but the road felt to bumpy. my head always moved. i felt like i needed to vomit from the god damn movement. but, there's nothing i CAN do. i am a Prisoner, after all. or, as the idiot driving  this truck called me. "D-91651" i dont know what the fuck that means. but, i know one thing. im going to hell either way. after gazing the truck's walls i think i fell asleep. time passed. and when i woke up. i looked throuh the top window. it was pitch black. and cold. i asked the driver "excuse me. sir? its really cold back here is there any poss-" he cutted me off:"were almost there! quit crying and sit tight!" at first, i was quite angry. but then, the car stopped. i saw some lights from the ceiling. flashlights. i guess its a really big factory, or something. i heard a female voice:"whats in the truck?" the driver said:"order N-D91651?" the next thing i heard was blurry, maybe its because i was tired. or, its because i was scared? it doesnt matter. the next thing i knew, the truck was opened. from nowhere the woman yelled"Come on! get out of the truck! we dont have much time! chop chop!" i quickly grabbed my notebook and got out of the truck. it was cold. but what i saw made my spine lose its shape. it was a huge hatch. opened, with yellow and red sirens turning on and off. the female had a blonde hair with blue eyes, she held a M16 with the magazine loaded in the gun. i didnt want to die on my first 10 minutes so i tried to be as quiet as a mouse and kept walking to the door. we entered an elevator and went down. after 4 minutes of waiting, walking down hallways that streched out forever, the place looked like a laboratory. after some time, we got into a curve which at the end of it, there was a door. the guard took out a grey card. on the card there was a stamp that looked like a text... "a... level 2 key card..?" she moved the card into a magnetic lock. the light turned green, a buzzer was sound and the door opened. When i looked up before i entered i saw a weird black color that labeled the entrance. "CD-04" she held me by my shoulders and shoved me into the hallway. i guess i was spacing out wayy to much. but i was too tired and way out of any control of my awarness. i tried my best to focus and went inside the door. i walked in and i was connect in guess what? ANOTHER hallway. but this time it was long and had tiny rooms. the rooms had a scale of maybe 2 cubicle meters. i aint no genius but it looked like it, pretty tiny. all i can say it. its where ill sleep tonight. the guard looked at me and asked:"how was your trip?" i was sure she asked it in a cocky way, like she was laughing at me. "oh boy belive me it felt like a week without sleep. not the greatest service for a greenbag entering to work here" she let out a small giggle and told me:" this is your dorm. you will sleep here every day, tomorrow you will be checked physically and mentally." i didnt like the way it sounds... so the only thing i did is thanking the guard for not shooting me, which led for another akward giggle from her. "Why did you think i would shoot you?" i replied:" the gun is loaded..." she looked at her gun and disarmed it. "thank you for telling me, i could get in so much trouble for walking around with a hot weapon at those late hours of the night. try to catch some good sleep, tommorow is a big day for you" i sigh and get in. she locked the door behind me and after a while the lights turned off. from that long drive it didnt take long for the "jetlag" to take its course on me, and i started to feel like i am fading out. 

[woot, the end of page 1! i never wrote a story before so it would be awesome if you give me some feedback about the grammer and the length of each page/part. i would like to tell you that if there's an NSFW Moment i would mark it and notice you before it starts and after it ends. so you could just scrollll away if you are  getting grossed out from blood\strong and sexual languange\acts. and, for my first ever page i wrote it turned out to be super fun and i cant wait to post the next chapter. untill there, bon voyaje!]

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