Second in Command (George Weasley)

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"You have been chosen. Within this box contains hundreds, if not a thousand Weasley Wizard's Wheezes products. This year, we have elected one wizard from the houses of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin to assist us in popping the vein on Snape's head. None of you know the others identities. Your job is pranking every house mate you have, and avoiding suspicion. If you are caught, you will become our number one target. Winner takes all, and the prize is worth more than it's weight in gold. Good luck." I breathed, reading the letter in the parcel. Luckily the package had had a note on the side warning the receiver to open in their room. I hadn't been expecting anything, and I hadn't seen if any owls had flown in with a matching parcel. I opened the package, and I grinned. It was bright, bursting with colours and tricks. My brain was already planning just how I was going to trick the rest of Slytherin house.

I snuck out early the next morning. I set my wand to alert me when it was five, and I shuffled down into the common room in my pyjamas. The green fire warmed the room, but as soon as I stepped out of the portrait it was cold, and goosebumps covered me from head to toe. We had been back at school for two days, and already the cold weather was starting to annoy me.

I walked silently, pondering about whether or not my plan would work. I hoped it did. I didn't want to disappoint Fred or George, however annoying they were in classes. I wonder how they had chosen me, and then I wondered who else they had chosen. They didn't choose anyone from Gryffindor I noticed, which meant they had big plans for their house. I hoped mine didn't pale in comparison. The Great Hall was already open, as it opens before five on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday's. Unsurprisingly, the room was empty of people.

I walked over to the Slytherin table, and fished my bag of tricks out of my pocket. I dropped a couple of Weasely's Snaps into each goblet. Once the goblets were shaken, or even moved in some cases they would pop, causing the drink to explode in the drinkers face. In order to not arise suspicion, I put the Snaps in every goblet, so even I would fall victim. They were also charmed, so when I said the word "fumious" they would explode. Then I snuck back to the common room, and more importantly, my bed.

My roommate, Astoria, woke me up by shrieking into my ear, and I almost bit her nose off.

"Shove off, Tori." I groaned, getting out of bed despite my protesting. She laughed and began getting changed. I turned my bisexual ass around and got changed facing the other direction. My wand was on my bedside table, and I accio'd it to me as we walked out the door. The common room was loud as usual, and it resembled my anticipation for breakfast.

"I'm starving. What did we have for dinner last night again?" Astoria walked like she was on a runway, and I laughed.

"What do you think you're doing? Walking like you're actually cool makes you look like you've got a stick up your ass." She winked at me.

"Maybe I do." I mimed vomiting.

"You're gross! Go kiss Flint!" I laughed again at her reaction.

"Ew! I do not intend to touch that bastard, let alone- let alone- no, I can't even say it." We were still laughing as we entered the great hall. Everyone was chattering, and it seemed my Snaps hadn't gone off yet. Just wait for it. We sat down, and piled our plates. I lifted my goblet, filled with water of course, and made sure as many people were holding their goblets as possible.

"Fumious." The beautiful word was spoken by yours truly, and the Snaps flew into everyone's faces. Pandemonium struck, and screams erupted from the Slytherin table. The water in my face was actually quite refreshing, but I feigned a look of shock. If only these bitches knew. I saw McGonagall stand up in surprise, followed by Snape. I snuck a look at George, and he was grinning at me. I grinned back proudly, and snickered at the rest of my house.

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