Apples and Oranges by Mochiajclayne

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This book is by Mochiajclayne


One random day, Jeon Jungkook found a black envelope inside his locker.

And the contents changed his life forever--or was it the sender?

Chapter 1: The Sender

Jungkooks POV

His cold voice keeps ringing in my ears.

I have this feeling that I shouldnt have gone after the person who leaves erotic letters every single day in my locker because Ill regret it as much as I do right now.

Yup, thats right. Those letters are obscenely erotic. When I saw the black customized envelope for the first time, I immediately knew that its not your typical, run-of-the-mill type of letter. However, the white paper contradicts the dark shade of its container. Without much ado, I read the contents of the letter. I wasnt exaggerating when I almost popped a boner after reading. Its too detailed for my innocent mind (well, Im being sarcastic but damn it, its detailed). It was almost time for everyone to go home when I went to my locker and saw the letter. If I ever had an awkward problem like an erection or something, I can jerk off in one of the restrooms stalls.

At first, I didnt pay much attention to the letter because it doesnt have my name on it. Im under the assumption of being mistaken for someone else when the familiar envelope pops up when I opened my locker the next day. With a sigh, I opened the letter and I can feel that my world stopped when I saw my name neatly written on the white piece of paper.

It must be a prank of someone I know personally—thats what I concluded after reading the third erotic letter. I have two university friends who go in the name of Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. I tried asking them subtly about the letters but it ended up labeling the anonymous sender of the letter as my secret admirer.

It was the fifth day when I decided to willingly skip my Math class and simply go to the lockers when I saw a mop of black hair with orange highlights standing in front of my locker, opening it like he doesnt care if someone catches him and puts a black envelope inside.

Wait, I meant to say this in an intimidating way but it ended up sounding like Im begging for attention. Talk about a lame way of catching the anonymous sender of those letters.

He turned around and I swear, hes the most beautiful man Ive ever seen but hes so freaking short for a third year university student—he wears the blue university logo specifically allotted for third years. He looked at me with his nonchalant expression, eyes sharply taking note my features. Honestly, I feel intimidated by his presence.

Should I feel honored that you skipped class just to see me? I can feel chills in my spine as soon as I heard his voice. Its not the merciless type but its not cheerful like Hoseok or kind like Seokjin.

Who are you? I diverted my eyes from his. Im taller than him but I cant stand how strong his eyes are. Out of the blue, the contents of his letters start to torment my mind. I gulped and tried to keep a straight face but theres no way that hell never notice my nervousness because I can feel him staring at me. Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of him by having a freaking erection?

The sound of his footsteps is too inaudible to be true but I know that hes approaching me. He suddenly grabbed my hand and leads me inside the restroom without another word. After locking the stall, he forced me to sit on the toilet bowl and kneel in front of me. Im not stupid. I know what hes about to do next so I grabbed his shoulders.

You havent answered my question, I stared at him with confusion. If Im extremely honest, I wouldnt mind someone as aesthetic as him sucking me off in the university restroom but I have to know his name.

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