Home Sweet New York

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Arizona's POV

This is the first time I had been on a plane since the plane crash that killed Mark and Lexie. I was terrified. My daughter was more calm than I was. "Are you okay?" Sofia looked up at me with concern in her eyes. "Yeah honey I'm okay. It's just the last time I was on a plane it was really scary for me," I smile at her reassuringly. Was I truly okay? No, no I wasn't. Was I going to let my 8 year old daughter know that? No, I wasn't. The flight to New York from Seattle is a 5 and a half hour long flight. It is not like I can take a sleeping pill until we get there because I have to watch and make sure Sofia is okay.

The flight attendant was coming over the intercom explaining emergency procedures and then told us to fasten our seat belts. Sofia's wasn't buckling and I refused to let the plane leave until they fixed it. That's how Lexie got stuck under the plane. That's how we all got separated because none of us had our seatbelts on when it crashed. They finally fixed it and we took off.

Two hours into the flight we hit turbulence. I was doing all I could to not have a panic attack. There is no way that I could get in another plane crash right? The odds are so low that you will get into a plane crash, let alone two. But if you work or have worked at Grey Sloan Memorial bad things seem to happen to you more. George O'Malley got hit by a bus. Meredith Grey drowned. There was a shooting where a lot of good people died. Meredith Grey almost got blown up by a bomb. Derek Shepherd got hit by a semi and died. A plane crashed and killed the father of my kid and his true love. I lost my leg. There was a huge storm. Then the worst of all... Lauren Boswell. I'm not going into that though. That was a LONG time ago and Calliope finally forgave me and then we got divorced but that is beside the point. Anyways I was having a panic attack but trying not to let Sof know because I didn't wanna scare her. I made her put her seat belt back on and she held my hand the rest of the flight. Even when she was asleep she was holding my hand.

The flight landed at 2:30 A.M. Calliope was there to pick us up. "Mama!" Sofia screamed as she went running into Callie's arms. "Hey Sofia! I missed you so much!" Callie was smiling wide and hugging Sofia. I walked up to them and smiled, "Hello Calliope," I said nicely and just stood there awkwardly. "You're allowed to hug me Arizona. I missed you too!" Callie said excitedly as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh," I chuckled, shocked. "Mama can mommy stay at our house tonight?" Sofia said looking at Calliope, giving her the puppy dog eyes, "pleaseeeeee." "No, it isn't necessary. I already rented a hotel room until I can find a apartment." I told Sofia before Callie had the chance to say anything. That would be so awkward for me to stay with my ex wife, especially if her and Penny were still a couple. "Arizona you knew my home was open to you. You shouldn't have to stay in a hotel." Callie said looking at me. "No really it's okay. Plus it will give you and Penny some alone time with Sofia," I said smiling. The only reason I mentioned Penny was to see if she was still in the picture. "Okay, whatever you say Zona," Callie said weirdly. Did I weird her out mentioning Penny? Were they broken up? Why did I care so much? Did she just call me Zona. God I haven't heard that since, well, since she left for New York.

I walked out with Cal and Sofia to Callie's car and then told them I had a rental. I waited till they left to walk to the hotel. It was about an hour walk but I didn't wanna bother Calliope anymore than I already had. When I got to the hotel I got into my room and passed out on my bed. I needed this sleep. I had been terrified since I woke up this morning about the plane ride. But now I am here with my daughter and my ex wife and we are all safe and I have a brand new job at an amazing pediatric and fetal hospital. I could finally sleep.

I heard a knock at my door. What time is it? I got up dreary and pulled on a robe and hopped to the door because I didn't feel like slipping my prosthetic back on and opened it, "Hello?" I said groggily. "Oh thank god. You're okay." It was Calliope's voice. I woke up more at the sound of her voice and pulled my robe closed more. "Yeah Cal I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her, still sleepy. "You never texted me like you said you would when you got here safe and I thought maybe you went for drinks or something and then on the news it talked about a bad car crash and the rental car you told me about, it was the same kind of car in the crash and I panicked and thought it might be you. So I tracked your phone and came here and asked the hotel person what room you were in and here I am." She was rambling. "Calliope shh. I'm fine. I actually walked here from the airport." I chuckled a little, "Who is with Sofia?" "I called my dad and had him go sit at the house with her until she woke up and then she is going to go spend the day with him and my mom." Callie told me. "Oh fun!" I exclaimed. "Yeah. I uhm was wondering if you wanted to go out to breakfast and catch up a little? I really missed you Zona," She said scratching her head. Was she nervous? "Yeah totally! You can come in if you want while I get ready," I told her opening the door more and hopping back against the wall for support.

She walked in and went and sat on the edge of the bed. I hopped over to my suitcase and grabbed a dress, which just happened to be Calliope's favorite dress, and hopped to my bathroom and changed. Well I actually fell on my ass trying to put on the dress but I got it on and butt scooted out into the room, "Hey Cal, wanna toss me my leg?" "Oh my god! Are you okay?!" She asked getting up quickly and rushing over with my leg. "Calliope you have to stop worrying about me. Yes I am fine. I fell on my ass because when I was putting on the dress I tried to balance on my left foot. Funny thing is I don't have a left foot." I was laughing so hard, "And you look mortified. Jeez do you not remember me falling all the time and you having to pick me up?" "I try not to remember those times. They were the horrible part of our marriage." Callie said a little bluntly. I didn't know what to say so I just attempted to get up. I don't know who I thought I was but I have never been strong enough to push myself up. Callie knew this and so she scooped me up bridal style and sat me on the bed. "Still weak as ever." She chuckled to herself and brought my leg over. "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, can you help me put my leg on?" I asked her a little embarrassed. "Yeah of course. I am curious though, why can't you?" She asked me sitting beside me. I pulled my dress up to reveal my left stub which was red and bruised. "What the hell happened?" Callie asked worriedly. "I walked here," I chuckled, "But it hurts so much I can't force myself to put my leg on so I need you to do it and don't make it awkward that you have to stick your hands up my dress, we used to have sex so.." "Well it wasn't going to be awkward until you said that," Callie busted out laughing.

Callie's POV

I stuck my hand underneath Arizona's butt and pulled her up while I slid the prosthetic on. I just touched my ex wife's ass for the first time in like 4 years. Should I be thinking about the things I am right now? No. Am I going to tell Arizona? Probably if we go drinking. Arizona cleared her throat, "You can stop touching my ass now Calliope." My face went red and I removed my hand from under her, "R-Right, uh sorry Zona."

She smiled a little when she saw how flustered I was and got up and started to walk for the door. God that is my favorite dress. It just makes her ass pop. And the amount of boob it shows. I am a sucker for that dress. "Callie? You coming?" Arizona looked back at me, a teasing look in her eyes. She is purposefully messing with me. I started to walk after her. She started walking again and made her hips sway more than they usually do. What the hell am I doing? Or even thinking? This is my ex wife. We got divorced. I mean do I still love her? Of course! She was my wife but this, what I am thinking is wrong. We got into the elevator and I stood up against the wall and she stood close to the doors. It seemed like the elevator was taking forever. "Arizona..." I whispered a little. "Yeah Calliope?" She said turning around. "I uhm can't go to breakfast with you when you are wearing... uhm that dress. I'm sorry but I can't." I said barely above a whisper. "Aw why not Cal? Do I have you all flustered?" She said teasingly, "Look I know it is your favorite dress and yes I am your ex wife. BUT all we are is friends. And I know that you won't push me up against this elevator wall and fuck me. You know how I know? Because we are at the lobby and the door is opening," She chuckled and walked out of the elevator. My mouth went try and I gulped. What was I getting myself into?

Author'Hey guys! So I know that Callie's part is really short but I'm going to start from her POV next chapter! I hope you enjoyed and I should have the next chapter published by Wednesday night!

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