A Dream

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Calliope's POV:

     I woke up to my alarm clock ringing. Was that all a dream? I looked at my phone and Arizona texted me like she promised. I got up and went to Sofia's room and checked on her. She was still there and not with my parents. I texted Arizona, "Weird question but what are you wearing right now?" She responded "Pjs. Why?" Oh my god. Why did I just dream about my ex wife? Worst of all... why was it a sexy dream!

     I got Sofia up and decided to take her out for breakfast. My phone dinged. It was Arizona she texted me, "Breakfast? I would love to catch up :)" Oh fuck. I responded back, "Me and Sof are actually at breakfast right now." She responded immediatly, "Oh, okay maybe another time :(" Fuck. I don't know why but I texted her back, "Lunch?" And again immediate answer, "Of course! So excited! Can't wait to see you <3" Heart? Why did she put a heart? Oh Jesus Calliope get it together. She is your ex wife she just wants to catch up. "Texas Roadhouse sound good?" She texted, I responded with a thumbs up emoji and put my phone away.

     Since I was going out to eat with Zona I took Sofia to my parents house. "Where are you headed mija? A date?" My dad questioned with an eyebrow raised, "Do I know them?" "It is not a date dad. And yes you do know her. It's Arizona. We are getting lunch to catch up. It has been almost 4 years since we talked." I smiled and so did my dad. He always asked how she was. He grew attached to her. "Bye daddy," I kissed his cheek and walked back out to my car and drove to meet Arizona.

     Of course when I got there she was there. She was so punctual. She was wearing my favorite dress. Of course she was. I was wearing her favorite dress too. Coincidence? "Calliope!! Hey!" Arizona came over and hugged me. Calliope. She and my dad are the only two people I let say my true name. I hugged her back and we walked inside and sat at a table. 

     We were there for about a hour. And we talked the whole time. "How's Penny?" Arizona asked me at some point during lunch. I swallowed hard, "We uh broke up a while ago. I still have feelings for someone and she said she didn't want to wait anymore so yeah," I smile sadly. "Oh Cal, I'm sorry," Arizona said as she put her hand on top of mine friendly. I smiled and shook my head, "Don't be. I am much happier without her." Arizona just smiled awkwardly. "Do you have a job yet?" I asked taking a bite of my steak. "I do actually. Me and Nicole Herman are opening our own pediatric and fetal hospital. It is called Robbins and Herman's Pediatric Hospital." She smiled proudly. "Oh wow!" I said surprised, "I uh actually just got a job there. I didn't put two and two together that it was your last name. They were looking for ortho attendings and it pays more than my job now so I applied and got the job!" I smiled. "Oh yay! We will be working together like old times," She flashed her super magic smile. God that smile. I could see her smile  for the rest of my life and be happy.  

     When we were done we went out separate ways. I actually sat in the parking lot for a while trying to think about what just happened. I watched her drive off and I waved and then sat there. My mind was racing. I have feelings for Arizona. I always have. But, she treats me like a friend and acts as if she wants to be nothing more. She asked about Penny for God's sake. I did the only thing I knew to do. I went to a bar. I texted my dad and told him that I needed him and my mom to keep Sofia tonight because I would be drinking. He agreed of course. He never turned down a chance to keep Sofia. She was his only grandchild. 

     I drank a lot. Quite a lot actually. Here is some facts about me. I am an emotional drunk. When I'm drunk I spill out all of my emotions, good or bad. Now, a rational thinker would have not gotten drunk since they were in love with their ex-wife. Am I rational thinker? No, no I'm not. So guess what I did? I called Arizona at 3 am this morning and spilled it all out. Her response, "Make sure you get a cab Calliope. Drink some coffee in the morning to help with the hangover. See you at work tomorrow." What had I just done?

     I did what Arizona said. I called a cab back to my place and went upstairs and passed out on my couch. When I woke up to the blaring of my new work pager I groaned. I got up and made me a LARGE cup of coffee and got in the shower. Today is going to suck.

     I arrived to my work to be greeted with the lovely face of Nicole Herman. Now she is blind but she still knew it was me. She walked up to me randomly and says, "Ah Dr. Calliope Torres. I have missed you." Then she hugged me. I wonder what she would've done if it wasn't me. I smiled and hugged her back, "I've missed you too Nicole." She let go and told me Arizona would be giving me a tour. Great. "See you later Torres," Nicole said as she walked away. And then I saw her. Arizona Robbins was walking towards me. I smiled. "Calliope!" She smiled and hugged me. "Listen Arizona I am so sorry about that call.." I said stuttering a little. "It's okay Cal. You were drunk." She smiled. Ah she knew it was the truth. We were married for years. She know I spit out all my true emotions when I'm drunk she just doesn't want me to be embarrassed. Sweet.

Arizona's POV:

     "And that's it. That is the new hospital," I smiled as I finished showing Calliope around. She smiled, "Thanks Zona." "Anytime Cal," I smiled and looked down as my pager went off, "Well, I'll see you around." I said as I smiled and walked off. 

     I walked into my first patient of the days room. "Hi! I'm Dr. Robbins." I said smiling as I shook a woman's hand. "Hi, I'm Kelly. This is my wife Rose and out son Jack." The woman smiled as she shook my hand. I smiled. "Well, how about I get started by letting you see the little baby of yours?" I asked as I pulled on a pair of gloves. "This is gonna be a little cold," I warned her as I squirted the ultrasound jell on her stomach.

     After I finished up her ultrasound her wife and son went to the cafeteria to get some food. "You have a beautiful family," I told Kelly as I continued the check up. "I'm pretty lucky I guess," Kelly said as she smiled, "Me and my wife have been divorced before and we both tried dating again but we always found out way back to each other." 

     They always found their way back to each other. I guess happy endings do exist sometimes. My marriage was not a happy ending. At all. "Are you married or do you wear that ring on your shirt for show?" Kelly asked me. "Oh no I'm not married. This is my wedding ring from my previous marriage," I smiled and fidget with it. "So she is either dead or your not over her," Kelly smiled, "I'm guessing it's the second because you don't look sad when you talk about her." I smiled, "Okay Kelly you caught me. Yes I still love my ex-wife." And of course, as soon as I finished saying it, Calliope walked in.

      "Hey Zona I need you to come look at a baby for me," Callie said smiling and then smiling at Kelly. "Kelly this is Dr. Torres, the one I was telling you about," I smile. "Ohhhh, hi Dr. Torres. It's a pleasure to meet you," Kelly said winking at me. "Okay then. I don't know what that was about but Arizona it's urgent. The baby has the same disease as Samuel. It's bones are breaking inside of the mother and I think I have a way to save it." Callie said. "Okay Kelly, have the nurse page me if you need me. Rest up because in less than 24 hours you are gonna be holding a baby girl!" I smiled and walked out of the room with Callie. "Come with me," Callie said pulling me into a lab room where she showed me the fetal x-rays, "It's arms and legs are slowly breaking, but I think if I go in and fix them while the baby is still in the womb there is a small chance that this baby will survive and live a semi-normal life." Callie said proudly. I nodded my head, "Whatever you think it best Calliope." I opened the door and I saw Callie's arm push it back shut and I turned around so that my back was up against it and looked at Callie, "W-What are ya doin Cal?" 

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