Watch the road

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Y/n pov

Y/n woke up the next day and yawns, when he opens his eyes he found someone else very close to his face

It was ayano, the nice lady who had brought him in, at least that's how he saw her at the moment Although her face being so close to his mad him nervous

She smiles

"Good morning my little one, I hope you slept well....I'm sorry to tell you this so early in the morning but...."

It looked like she had a tear in her eye

"Kara has killed herself....last night "

Y/ns heart broke isn't the right word, it was annihilated, y/ns only family was dead....and she had done it herself

Y/n felt the tears rolling but didn't make an effort to stop them as he sobbed

"I'm so sorry y/n, I wish I could help"

Y/n didn't know what to do ....Kara had always helped him with everything, taken care of him, sung to him when he was sad.....oh how he wished she was hear to sing away the pain as she had done in the he could never hear that singing again

He felt arm wrap around him as ayano hugs him, needing comfort he hugs back crying into her shoulder

Ayano pov

Ayano grins like a mad woman (witch she was) as y/n hugs her, it was probably just because he was sad but she felt a rush of feelings that just felt so delicious

She held the boy until he stopped crying and released her, she unhappily let go of him

"Thank you miss ayano "

"Your welcome little one, the police will be here soon but let me make you some breakfast "

She zipped to the kitchen and cooked like hell, nothing was to good for her y/n!

She only took a breath when she got a text

It was info-Chan
"Police are on their way over, is this about hat girl you tipped in front of a train"

"Yes, how did you know I did that?"

Their was a long pause before she answered

"I was walk by the crime Scene this morning"

Ayano knee it was a lie, info-Chan never hesitates

"Your lying, but I don't really care, I know their coming"

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"Your lying, but I don't really care, I know their coming"

She put her phone in her pocket then took the food to y/n

Ayano nearly forgot something very important


She ran to her room getting into her uniform her mind trying to think of what to do with y/n, she couldn't just leave him alone, but she didn't trust anyone to come watch him

She couldn't think of anything to do other than..... take him with her to school, but she didn't know if that was a good idea

Her mind snapped back when the police knocked on her door

Crap she had forgotten

??? Pov

A woman was driving down the road, she might have had to much to drink, might have been tired, maybe done drugs or was on her phone, whatever she was doing she nearly didn't notice until the loud thump

She stop her car quickly, their was blood on her windshield


She had just hit someone.....she jump out of the car seeing a person in a school uniform

Damnit she had hit a teenager from the high school


Something caught her eye as she looked up seeming a different figure disappearing into some shrubs


People around the woman stopped and stared, whispering, taking photos and videos

"What have I done!?"

(What have I done? Well crap

(What have I done? Well crap

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It wasn't me!!!)

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