Chapter Six: Derek

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Saturday afternoon

GirlSquad Group chat


Gracie: ok!

B: hour*

Sammy: I'm invited right?

Keri: of course Sammy!

Faith: wait get ready for what?

Faith: what's going on?

Gracie: I'll be at yours in 10 to help you get ready faith


No one answered her. Ten minuets later Gracie came up to her room

"Your mom let me in" she told faith
"Okay so what am I getting ready for?" Faith asked
"We're all going out, to get your mind off things"
"You'll see but you need to look hot"
"I don't want to go"faith said blunt
"Oh come on, we're all doing this for you please"
"Okay fine..."
Gracie picked out a denim skirt I haven't worn in years and a low black v neck t shirt that was kinda big on her.
"I look like a fake wanna be slut" faith says
" you... Look hot"
"Where's your leather jacket?"
"My closet" faith said
"You'll wear that too" Gracie stated
"Okay..." faith went to put it on
Then they were both off to belles house
Once they got there everyone slowly started to arrive. About forty- minuets in everyone was walking out the door.
"Wait so what's going on?" Faith asked
"We're going to a party... to get your mind off of things"Keri said
we got to the party and there were tons of people. The place reeked of alcohol and smoke. Faith wasn't excited to be here. Keri and belle went to go play beer pong
While Sammy went to go watch
"Here let's go get you a drink" Gracie said pulling faith to the kitchen
"no I uh really don't want one-" faith said but she was pretty much ignored
Time went by and everyone was doing their own thing. Sammy was talking to some cute nerd about something. Gracie is sitting out back by the pool with like three guys around her. Keri is talking to the captain of the foot ball teem and belle is just chilling. Unfortunately faith had a little too much to drink and she was currently talking to Derek.
"You know I never really liked liv, I just liked spending time with you" he said
"Oh really? Is that right?..." faith didint know what she was getting herself into
"Why don't we find someplace a little less noises to talk yeah?" Derek offers
"Sounds good to me" and with that Derek was taking faith upstairs to his buddies bed room. He closed the door.
"That's better" Derek said
"So uh what did you-" faith got cut off by Derek smashing his lips on hers and pushing her over to the bed. Faith tried pushing Derek off but it was useless, she was just a skinny weak girl who barely eats once a day, there's no way she could get him off. He slid his hand up her skirt and saw her scars on her thighs. "So you like it aggressive" Derek said obviously drunk
"Get off- no- get off of me" faith tried saying
"Playing hard to get" he smirked and started forcing her skirt off
"Pleaseeee... derek don't..."
Just then belle walked in and pulled Derek off of faith.
"Hey baby if you wanted some you could just share" he said trying to be cool
Belle smacked him across the face
"You sick son of a bitch!"
"Hey she's the one that wanted to come up here"
" let's go faith I'm taking you home" belle insisted
The two girls went down stairs got Gracie Sammy and Keri and they all left, they stayed over belles house because the all smelt like liquor and drugs. Once they all got situated faith just broke down crying she couldn't hold herself together. Sammy comforted her.
"Shhh.... it's okay.. it's okay, let it out" Sammy soothes her
"I just really need to sleep" faith said and all the other girls fell right asleep

Faith couldn't sleep Derek's voice kept haunting her in her dreams she decided to see if the boys were up.

RoadTrip(AndFaith) GC
Faith: hey... is anyone still up?
Mikey: I am it's like 7am here
Faith: are the rest of the boys still sleeping?
Mikey: yupp
Faith: did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did I just... I can't sleep
Mikey: no, I'm always the early riser, is there something wrong?
Faith: kinda, maybe? I don't know, I just need to clear my head
Mikey: do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help?
Faith: I don't know... I don't want to be a burden... and I don't want anyone getting mad
Mikey: why would we get mad? Did you do something did something happen?
Faith: no- uh, I'm actually kind of tired... I'll uh talk to you lot tomorrow
Mikey: Okay sleep tight

Private message with Mikey and faith

Mikey: when you get up can we please talk? You were worrying me before
Faith: yeh... thanks Mikey. Have a good day

Faith continued to lay there unable to get some sleep. She stayed up all night, a reck The other girls fell asleep in no time. Faith tossed and turned, texted and tweeted, she even watched a movie on Netflix. Nothing helped her. Even when she'd think it was okay and she'd shut her eyes for like five minuets then she would sit up in a panic remembering what happened earlier tonight.

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