Chapter 1

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Sup peeps. this is my first fanfiction no soz if things are bad. All rights go to Rick Riordan. I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus. Enjoy my first fanfic! :)

Percy surveyed the battlefield. He was covered in blood and monster dust. He had a couple of broken bones and a broken leg from when an empousai had snapped it earlier. He searched for his friends through the sea of blood, dust and chaos. Piper and Annabeth were fighting off a pack of hellhounds together. The daughter of Athena and Aphrodite were like two halves that had become one. A force to be reckon with Percy mused. Annabeth and Piper were perfect for each other and Percy was happy that Annabeth had found someone to make her happy. Hazel and Frank were fighting with Hermes to bring down Hippolytus, bane of Hermes. Another couple perfect for each other. Percy sighed and searched for signs of Jason and Leo. Leo and Calypso and Jason and Reyna. Two other couples that were beautiful together. It seemed that everyone had someone to love except him.

Percy gritted his teeth and dodged a strike from a Laistrygonian Giant. He rolled and let his instincts take over. Slash and the monster turned to dust. Where were the other gods? Hermes had said something about a trap Gaia had set that the others had fallen for but where were they. Gaia would be displaying them but where? Percy narrowed his eyes as a glisten of metal caught his eyes. There. “Thalia, the gods! They’re here!” he shouted hoping she could hear him.

The hunters of Artemis had arrived midway through the battle with Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. Reyna and Nico had arrived safe and ready to fight. Nico had raised an army of the dead that helped even out the numbers. The two camps had made peace and Percy was grateful for the extra help. Thalia’s head swerved and she nodded her head. Together they cut their ways to the gods. “HOW DARE YOU! You insolent demigods.” Gaia’s voice suddenly boomed. All fighting ceased. Percy’s stared at the earth goddess. How could she have awoken? She needed the blood of a male and female demigod. His mind reeled. Then he caught sight of the gods and their spilt blood. Realisation dawned on him. She had used the god’s blood. “Smart hero.” Gaia purred as if reading his thoughts. “KEEP FIGHTING FOR OLYMPUS!” Percy yelled hoping to spur the demigods to life. It worked. “OLYMPUS!” they yelled and charged to battle.

The seven plus Thalia, Nico and Reyna looked at Percy. “We need to free the gods.” Percy said. “Then what are we waiting for Seaweed Brain. Let’s save their sorry butts again, shall we.” Annabeth said with a grin on her face. Thalia snorted. A grin worked its way to the demigod’s faces. With that they charged spurred with hope.

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