Chapter 3

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All rights go to Rick Riordon. On with the show or story or whatever. Thanks peeps.

 The gods charged into battle with golden armour on their bodies. Zeus was helping Thalia and Jason with Porphyrion and Piper was with Aphrodite fending off Periboia. Percy never thought the goddess of love could looked as terrifying as now. Hazel hair tied in a braid with crimson eyes. Gold armor adored her body like a gown. She looked ready for war not a beauty contest. The rest of the seven were helping the gods take down the giants. Percy turned and dodged a strike from Polybotes. “Puny demigod. You will never defeat us!” Polybotes yelled. “We’ll see about that ugly.” Percy responded with a smirk plastered on his face. “Why you little b...” was all Polybotes could say before a stream of blue energy slammed in his back. “Yes we will see old friend” Poseidon said standing next to Percy. Percy and Poseidon worked together to defeat Polybotes. They were like a hurricane. All fighting ceased to watch in amazement as father and son worked together. “NO! YOU’LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!” Polybotes yelled before a stream of energy from Poseidon’s trident hit him in the back of the leg. “I think we just did.” Percy said nonchalantly as he drove Riptide through the giant’s skull.

Percy turned to the demigods and searched for Gaia. His eyes settled on her. Defiant, powerful, angry sea green eyes met scared, confused, unsure ivy green ones. Monsters, giants, demigods and gods alike made way for Percy as he casually strolled to Gaia. A Cyclops tried to stop Percy but a quick slash to the neck stopped him. No one dared to cross the path of the son of Poseidon. “What are you waiting for? Kill him!” Gaia screeched. Giants and monsters looked at each other but no one dared interfere. That is until Alcyoneus blocked Percy’s view of Gaia. “I will do you proud mother.” He exclaimed with a sly grin. “I can only be killed if outside the country I am risen in and I was risen here.” He said laughing. The gods and demigods went to help Percy fight but he signaled them to stop. Confused the gods and demigods stared at Percy. He had a small smirk on his lips and looked up at Alcyoneus. “Fine” was all Percy said.

Then he stretched out his arm and faced an open palm at Alcyoneus as if telling him to stop. Alcyoneus grinned and charged at Percy. “Do something Kelp Head!” yelled Thalia and Nico frantically. But all Percy did was grin and wink at them. Suddenly Alcyoneus stopped mid-charge and looked frozen. Everyone stared at him then at Percy. “I never said I was going to fight you” said Percy calmly and continued walking with his arm outstretched. Then he balled his fist and suddenly Alcyoneus started screaming. Blood started flowing out of his nose and mouth. Begs of forgiveness and mercy were falling out of his mouth but Percy paid no heed and kept walking. The gods and demigods stared at each other in horror and wonder. He was controlling the other’s blood. One question went through all their minds. How powerful was Percy? Suddenly a sense of pity was felt for Gaia. As Percy passed Alcyoneus, he put down his arm. Alcyoneus dropped to the ground, dead or unconscientious, no one knew. Percy turned back to Gaia. Eyes ablaze with fury. “Your mine” he repeated and charged at her.

Suddenly the war seemed to burst into life again. Monsters and demigods charged at each other. The seven were taking down the Giants with the gods. Percy reached Gaia and swung Riptide at her. Gaia dodged the strike and made an earthen sword appear. “You will never win Perseus” she hissed. “We may not win this war but we will destroy everything you love.” Percy kept pushing her until he kicked her and sent her flying through the air. Gaia hit a tree and lay sprawled and dazed. “We will win this war and we will be victorious” Percy said as he walked up to her to finish her. “Oh but hero,” she said with blood dripping down her nose, “if the earth falls then darkness shall rise.” Percy suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. “No, he can’t be back.” Percy mumbled. “Oh but he is and if I am defeated then he will rise. And I believe that he misses you hero. What will it be? Kill me and face him or let me win and I may spare you and your friends? Chose hero.” Gaia said with a triumphant smile. She knew he would chose her. But he surprised her. He stabbed her. “W-W-Why?” she stuttered not understanding. “Because if I have to face my past and demons in order to keep my family safe then I will” Percy said but his mind was racing and he felt like throwing up and crying. Gaia smiled at him but it was a genuine smile. “Such a brave hero. Maybe I was wrong about you” was all she managed to whisper before she crumbled to dust.

Suddenly the giants that the gods and demigods were fighting crumbled to dust. All heads turned to see Percy victorious. “OLYMPUS!” the demigods yelled happy, relived and ecstatic that the war was over. Only the seven, Nico, Thalia, Reyna and the gods noticed that beneath Percy’s smile was broken eyes. But what no one saw was the fear in those sea green eyes. “Heroes! We shall have a gifting ceremony in the throne room of the original Olympus” bellowed Zeus. Demigods, Natures Sprits and Minor Gods alike gathered to see the ceremony. “Please step up heroes to receive your gifts” Zeus bellowed in a loud commanding voice.

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