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You have always had it easy

You have never had to struggle

You've never had to sit down and think of a new way to hustle

Your job was simple, stay in school, go to practice, and move when the coach tells you to hustle

Then you would come around me trying to flex your muscles

I remember we used to be so tight that nobody could touch us

We were very immature and we've come a very long way

Except for the fact that too often you still like to play

But I'm trying to stay focused and get to the part in my life where I'm taking care of old people and making money the long way

You still do immature stuff like talk about gays

And how you could never be that way

Yet you find it OK when your friends tell you that you can take out your penis and jerk with them any day

And laugh when they tell you that they have cameras in their room pointed your way

You that think that because you moved in that you're taking my sister's place

That's very funny and I give you an applaud that but that will never be the case

Never in a thousand years could anyone ever take my sister's place

No I'm not sorry that it has to be this way

Because I can tell my sister everything

But around you there are just some things that I will never say

And yes I am tired of listening to your long relationship stories when you can just cut to the chase and tell me that you were played

In my mind the female is not to blame

Because if it was me I would have done the same

How often can you expect to call a female out of her name

Before she comes to her senses and stops putting up with you and your immature little games

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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