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Jisoo's p.o.v

"Really Wong? Following me? Not smart"
I turned around facing my maths 'teacher'.

"Who are you really Jisoo?" He asked and I chuckled bitterly.

"Not who you expect me to be that's for sure," I replied turning around again and continuing my walk. I wasn't running nor going faster than usual, that was because I wanted to provoke him.

"Are you really going to ditch my classes? You're probably the best in the class," he continued asking questions. Now he wanted me in his class or what? At first he's trying to offend me and now he wants me to be in his classes so suddenly?
He's weirder than me.

"Yes I will ditch your classes, what do you expect? Insulting me and then wanting me to stay in your class? Life is not always like you want it, grow up"

I knew he was one of the youngest teachers in this school but he was the most annoying too. What to be honest makes me diss him even more.

"Before you say more, listen. I'm holding this school in my hand, if I let it fall it will sink. What also means if I don't want you to work here anymore I will fire you, easy thing. The headmasters daughter is my best friend and I know her father too good – he treats me like his own daughter"

I told him a little bit more before opening my locker and taking out the books I need for the next lesson.

"Now leave me the fuck alone," I hissed and he nodded while leaving scared that I might fire him for real.

Such a loser

Rosé's p.o.v

"Jisoo!! Omg I missed you!" I exclaimed and hugged her from behind.

"Rosé it's been five minutes," she replied while chuckling.

"Oops.." I mumbled and let her go. She closed the locker and turned to me.

"Ah come, I missed you too," she breathed out and pulled me into a hug. OMG our first hug!!!
I felt like my heart was going to explode. And her scent made me crazy, it was the scent from Dior, the same one from the first day. The reason why I knew that so well was because I always wanted to buy the perfume but never got the time and money to go and buy it.

"What was that with Mr Wong?" I asked being curious.

"I just had a problem with the fact that he wanted to offend me in front of everyone"
It was amazed how she could talk without showing any emotions. I didn't know if she was hurt by his action – what I didn't think was right – or if she found the whole thing funny.

"Are you fine? I mean he basically attacked you with his words?" I asked worriedly and she shook her head with a small smile.

"I'm fine don't worry, I have heard worse words and I'm fine after all. But thank you for caring, that's pretty rare that someone asks me if I'm fine.."

I kinda felt her vulnerability in the last sentence and I knew nobody could always be so strong like she. There are two sides of her, yet I only know the one she's showing to everyone but I hope I'll get to know her other side too.

"No need to thank me"

After I said that our eyes met. I loved the sparkle in her dark eyes when she looked at me.

"We should go to class..."
I nodded in response seeing that all the students went out of their classrooms and we were kinda too close to each other.

"Hey! Jisoo right? I'm Hyun-ah from the student council club, I thought you maybe would like to join us – you match our team!"
It was the dumbest bitch in the whole school, everyone knew she was a bully and a player.

I sighed stepping away because she clearly ignored me.

"I don't really have much time to invest I'm sorry," Jisoo replied not falling for her flirtatious smile.

"But Jennie's in our club too, me inclusive. You don't even have to come to our meetings, just come to our parties and it's fine," the snake continued trying to get her in the club.

"Hmm yeah why not, but I really can't come to any meetings I'm sorry"

That was not the reply I was hoping for – but what was the thing with this Jennie?
Who is that bitch and what relationships does she have with my Jisoo?

"Jennie told me she wanted to talk to you, I gotta give you her number. She still loves you hon, don't mess it up," Hyun-ah said gave her a card and winked afterwards.

"God, now the Jennie drama starts again.." Jisoo mumbled and put the card into her handbag.

"Hyun-ah is a bitch I wouldn't involve too much in her business – she's from a dangerous family. Also she takes a gun with her to school..."
I whispered to Jisoo and she sighed.

"I know Chae, I know her parents. And don't worry I don't think she carries a good gun with her, the normal ones are nothing," she replied in a quieter tone.

Again I was so confused by her words, there was so much more and she brought me nearer to it with every word she said. She knew how to fight – that's for sure now. And she found handguns stupid, other people would be scared of them. What practically means she was more dangerous than Hyun-ah.

"What is better then?" I questioned her reply.

"If there are less people the human body is enough and a knife is very practical, but if there are more people then you need better things. Like the AR-15, but the best in my eyes is the AK-47. Still you have to be trained, without training even the most dangerous things are useless"

"Why do you know so much about guns?"

"Chae, I'll gladly tell you my knowledge but don't question from where I got it," she replied and I nodded.

"I'll find it out soon, trust me on this"

"I trust you, still I don't really think you would want to know it. That way is the best for both of us, trust me on this, I know what I talk about"

After that she kissed my cheek and my eyes widened in shock.
"I'm not safe for you, stay away from my secrets"

"When will you be safe for me? I mean you can't be so dangerous Jisoo, I'm not scared of you"

She sighed knowing that I won't stop asking her questions.

"You're not scared of me, that's good, because that means you don't even guess who I really am. And I beg you to stay away from my other side, don't try knowing more, it will only hurt you and I don't want that to happen"

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