Sydney's Intro

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Sydney's Interview:

So you want me to state my name, age, and some background information? What is this tinder? Okay then, my name is Sydney and I'm 14 years old.... I like money.

Is that it? Can I leave? Because I ordered a Starbucks not long ago and it hasn't come so like, that's not okay and I need to get a drink.

Interviewer: "Why do you think you're here Sydney?"

My mother said it was something to do with my attitude, bad language, throwing tantrums when I don't get my way. I mean I am a princess, look at me. If this stupid camp involves mud or anything I refuse.

Interviewer: "How about school?"

Schools okay I guess, it's full of bitches tho, like honestly get off ur mans dick because he's not ur man, he's ur best friends man. Oh! There's this one girl called Lauren and she's like, really poor and it's kinda funny because she won't leave me alone, like get away from me, ew.

Sydney's Mums video interview: "Sydney is a 14 year old who likes to dress like she's 20 going on a night out. She doesn't listen to anything I say and always wants things, if she doesn't get her way she'll kick and scream till she does. I recently received word from the school that Sydney has been in a fight with a girl called Lauren. She doesn't respect anyone or anything and her language is atrocious! A 14 year old girl shouldn't be using such vile words."

Okay and that too, but that's not really important.

Can I go now?

Thank you.

See you later bitchessss.

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