Star Crossed

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   *Therapy Session Shen Yi Zhen POV*
I sat on the couch in front of my two male therapist remembering things that one of my seven personalities (CuI Hao Yue) did. Years before in highschool I was visiting a family as a volunteer and witnessed a cruel case of child abuse.
After scoring a winning touchdown at the school football game I walked to my car and drove to my volunteer house. When I came through the back door there was glass every where and the room was a mess while looking around I heard a little girl scream. Walking into the hallway I see the father slap the little girl and say 'say that again!' while she falls to the ground and scoots against the opposite wall. She yells 'No,no,papa' he reaches down and grabs her hair. While she screams He tells her 'You're just like your mother'. He proceeds to drag her to the room I just came from while she is kicking and screaming then hits her head against the table yelling 'Why?' repeatedly. I run in and yell 'No.' and try to stop him as he yells 'Who the hell are you, man?'. Then pushes me into the dresser in the side of the room. As I hit the dresser my mind flashes to toddler me in a room of yellow, blue, green, and orange colors. A man walks to the door as I back up in fear his face is blurry then younger me covers his face. I am released from the memory with blood on the left side of my lip as the father turns to the daughter and says 'Why are you like your mom?'. Then he grabs her by her shoulders and pulls her up just to push her to the ground while I yell 'No, wait wait' and try to stop him. He just elbows me in the back and throws me to the dresser again kicking me in my stomach repeatedly. Then I blackout as Cui Hoa Yue takes control.
****Flashback Over****
Since then Cui Hao Yue has been sharing this body with me. I don't know when he will come out and take control of my body and my time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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