Chapter 2

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Screw this galaxy. Honestly I have a bunch of scumbags trying to steal my most prized possession. But nah I'm a Mandalorian and my job is to kick ass and look cool while doing it. My name is Jenna and my life is pretty great. Basically me and my family the Mandalorians are assigned to some really hard missions and while I love my family and all I've done pretty much every mission alone and succeeded. I broke into an imperial base and found a sith wayfinder, I've assassinated hundreds of rancor's, I've set a bomb at the cliff on mustafar and blew it up, I've even saved many prisoners from canto bite. But this next mission this won't be easy.

Jenna walks into her hideout where her whole family is there. In my family there's 6 of us including me. There's Kito who's a huge jerk and wants to blow up everything and wears green armor and he's my half cousin, There's Shang she's very confident and sweet and wears purple armor and she's my step sister, There's Kalen who's my cousin and she's pretty cool and doesn't care about anything and is really good at taking down bounties and where's red armor  , There's of course Sadden he's Kalen's brother and he's pretty much a slob who liked to cracks up jokes but he's also really nice to me and me and him form a little relationship and he wears yellow armor,Then there's Caleb who's a huge nerd and he's my step brother and he's really smart and designed all of our armours and wears dark blue armor. Finally there's me Jenna there's not really a word to describe me besides different and you can see that after all the dates I've been on and I wear golden armor.

"Hey welcome back how'd it go?" Caleb says upgrading his armor.
"Just the same with a big boom!" Jenna says as she walks on.
"Maybe you should quit." Kalen says lying down on our bed.
"Or maybe you should be more out there." Sadden suggests
"Or just roll single." Kito says
"Or do whatever your heart suggests." Shang says
"Hmm I'll think about it." Jenna says

Jenna walks past their room where she sees a huge cafeteria full of all different and distinct mandalorians. See the only thing everyone besides me has in common is that they are all in a relationship and that always bugged me. Also for all of us mandalorians there's our boss chief Gaten. No one knows his first name but we call him Gaten.
Jenna walked into Chief Gaten's office where she is greeted by his pet Ewok. "Yub nub." It says walking her to his desk.

"Ah my best warrior,Jenna how's it going?"
Chief Gaten says pouring himself a drink
"Uh good so what's my next assignment."
"Woah your just gonna immediately jump straight to that, What are you a spice runner?"
Gaten says as he laughs
"But for real there is no mission."
"What? For 10 years I've been given an assignment every day and now your saying there is none."
Jenna says confused
"I mean there is the forbidden mission."
Gaten says his voice goes quieter as he talks.
"What forbidden mission?"
"You've never heard the story have you?"
Jenna shakes her head
"There's a secret base of our enemy the Gutah's."
Gaten says raising his voice
"It's located on the geonosiss system in the sector G.A region."
"Woah woah woah stop. Your saying I'm getting a mission to the Gutah's? No Mandalorian has faced them."
Jenna says shocked.
"That's not really true."
Gaten says
"Because 100 Mandalorians have all tried to break into the Gutah's because they are selling secret sith weapons to smugglers,imperials and all the wrong people you want to get tangled with. The great one and only Jango Fett lead the first mission with his crew of 5 but what he faced was a whole different level. You see stepping one foot on geonosiss you have to have eyes on the back of your head. Because the creatures will snatch you and force you to compete in a huge arena to fight to the death. Then if your make it past the arena making it to region G.A won't be easy. You will face huge womp rats larger then life. No ships will be able to make it because the sky's are full of acid rain. There are wholes that pop out of the ground and if you fall you fall into the pit of lava. Finally if you survive all the other dangerous things the other regions have you will not be able to pass the Gooca."

Jenna yelled.

"Ate one hundred Wookiee's in one bite? Yep."
Gaten interrupted

"And even if you somehow make it past all of that the base has the most high security anyone has ever seen and none of the other 99 Mandalorians made it alive besides your grandfather Jango Fett."
Gaten says

"But how far did he make it?"
Jenna asked.
"It may just a rumor but he made it all the way to the vault room where the artifact is there."
Gaten says

"Wait what artifact?"
Jenna asks confused.
"The great artifact that millions of years ago Jedi ancestors hid from us because it was a sith artifact that could make hell itself and the Gutah have been using this artifact to make crazy weapons more powerful then you could ever imagine."
Gaten says

"Wait so it doesn't have a name?"
Jenna asked.

"Correct. But here's the true question your grandfather Jango Fett turned his back once he got into the vault room because he wanted a better life for your father and your uncle. So are you sure your up to the task?"
Gaten asked.

"I'm a Mandalorian I'm always up for the task. But I'm afraid you must come with me because I can't do it alone."
Jenna says confidently
"I was afraid of that. Because I have files of some other people who may be up for the task."
Gaten says Pulling out five files.

"Which one should we look for first?"
Gaten asks.

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