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John loved his fire red truck very much, he played with it every morning noon and night. He loved the bright red color, he loved the worn out and creaky hinges, he loved the sounds it would make in the dead of the night, sounds of delightful wear and tear.
John loved going to school with his friend Patrick, together they would ride the bus to a brick yellow building several streets away. The bus was always noisy and crowded but John didn’t mind much, the groaning of the bus wheels reminded him much of his fiery red truck.
One day John showed up to school grinning from ear to ear, Patrick had enquired about his unusual glee, “ I’ve brought my red truck today” John replied, chest puffed outwards in pride. Patrick was stunned, perplexed as to what had brought about this sudden burst of courage in John who was always very secretive and protective over his toys, even when he came over to play.
“Can I see it?” Patrick asked, eyes wide in anticipation.
John shook his head adruptly, “Not right now,” he whispered “Her left wheel is broken so she makes this sound when I move her, we’ll play with her during recess”
Patrick smiled, content with his answer. He couldn’t wait to see the red truck, he’d heard countless tales of it from John who’d adamantly refused to share this one particular toy, he’d been told of the smooth surface that gleamed in the moonlight, of its four shiny wheels, of the wonderful sounds it made when its go-string was pulled,
“Almost like the real thing” John had said. John had gotten her from the local toy store downtown, he’d gone with his mother that day, it was the only toy she had approved for him.
Recess rolled around and the anticipation in Patrick was at a fever pitch, “Calm down” John admonished looking sideways “I want to make sure no one’s following us”
They stepped quietly down the stairs, greeting the teachers as they walked by. Reaching the familiar yellow door, John twisted its handle and peered inside.
Patrick peered in as well, “Its…gone”
John felt angry, very angry, “Did you tell some one?” he pointed at Patrick, his eyes narrowed. “No I didn’t”  said Patrick in fear.
John looked up at the stairwell, he would dwell on his anger later, he knew he had no time to waste. The thief couldn’t have gotten far.
Kristin the janitor had come to work prepared to have a very nice day, the hallways were clean and so were the bathrooms, but neither were much of her concern as she wasn’t assigned to any of those today, she was assigned to the basement, nothing ever happened In the basement. It would be light sweeping and light dusting and that would be it.
“Ssssh honey, they’ll be here any moment now” Kristin said rocking back and forth, smoothing the sweat matted hair on the girl’s head in a bid to soothe her. She couldn’t have been more than 15, she recognised her from around town, she was that pleasant girl at the toy store.
“Honey can you tell me how you got here”
The girl shook her head weakly, raising a bloodied and bruised finger to nudge at the band around her neck. A sound detector. Of course, like she needed any more proof. One look at a bruised and bonded body folded into a forgotten bookshelf at the far corner of the basement should have told her all she needed to know. Someone had put her here. And that person would be back. Soon.
Kristin winced at the girl’s left leg, the calf was twisted away from the knee in a gruesome picture.
“Honey?” she called, red rimmed storm blue eyes looked up at her, “I’m going to have to move you now okay? I need you to be strong for me, Is that okay?”. The girl’s features hardened in anguish, but her lips rolled in in determination. She nodded.
Officer Dunham was having quite a rough day to be honest, It had started with his partner calling in sick today. Daniel had called to say he was having a migraine and needed his partner to cover for him,
“Beat’s all yours bud” Daniel saluted cherily, hanging up. He’d scowled at the receiver, there was nothing remotely exciting about driving around in a car all day by your lonesome. There was hardly any actual work in this part of town where crime rates were at an all-time low. He drove past the green hedges of a humble looking apartment. This wasn’t his life, he took a deep breath and fantasized about a transfer.
“All units report to Green Cove Elementary, All units report to Green Cove Elemetary, this is an eleven fourteen, two-two-zero. I repeat, all available units rep-“
The tyres of the SUV screeched loudly at the adrupt turn. Green Cove Elementary was only a couple blocks away. A 220? He ran a shaky hand through his hair, It had to be her.
A small crowd had begun to gather at the modest gates of the elementary school
Officer Dunham exited his car, heart racing ,”It’s the police!” he screamed over the crowd “Make way!” He shuffled into the heart of the scarce gathering. At the centre a woman sat on the curb, cradling what looked like in her arms, he wasn’t sure, large red welts covered every inch of skin he could see. The woman rocked the stiff figure, officer Dunham swallowed, “Is she?”
“She’s conscious” the woman replied “Just a little out of it, her leg-“
“I know” the officer’s face morphed into one of disgust, “An ambulance will be here soon”. The girls face was tucked into the woman’s ample bosom, red hair flowing over her arms. He knew not to do what he felt so strongly, he knew to wait for the ambulance, but he also didn’t know her physical state, judging by how she looked she could be gone before-
He crouched down, “Christine?”. No answer, not that he expected one anyway. “Christine if it’s-“
The victim turned her head slowly, blue eyes meeting sunlight. Behind him, more units trooped in, along with the ambulance.
“Hey sis”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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