Chapter 14

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AN : Sorry for the long wait.. I was busy updating the other book! Really appreciate you guys for reading ! Remember to vote, fan, share and comment so I can improve in my writing! Thanks <3 (: sorry for the short chapter, but hopefully it's a good ending!! (: xx

- Victoria-Jane Vamolves


I woke up, feeling cold and sore. I was exhausted and it was really hard for me to even move my legs. I felt my neck and accidentally touched my wound. I winced in pain as a hot tear ran down the side of my face. I was having a headache and it was making me sick in the stomach, I felt like vomitting. I realized that Jace wasn't there with me and I started yearning for him. The door started to creak open and Meredith walked in quietly, carrying a medical case.

"Good afternoon, Luna! How are you feeling now?" she greeted me with a warm smile, making me smile back at her.

"I'm feeling sore all over and I'm kind of cold.. But what happened to me?" I asked, confused.

"Luna, you had a panic attack," she stated while giving me a sympathetic look.

Now I remember of the events that happened last night..

The visions of Jasper..





Master James..

Madam Camilia..

Trying to drag me back..





"Mia! Come home with us.. You'll be happier working at our house than here.. Come home.. Come home.." Madam Camilia welcomed with her hands.

"Mia, I missed you.. Come home. We can be together.." Jasper said with pleading eyes.

"Mia, dear Mia.. Please come back.. I'm going crazy just not being able to see you.. Mia.. Please.. Please come back.." Jayden begged..

"Mia! Where have you been? I was worried sick! Please come home?" Audrey pleaded.

"Come home, Mia. I'm still waiting to feed on you. Come home with us. I'm waiting for you. Come home, come home, wherever you are," Master James said with a smirk on his face.

Letting out his murderously dangerous laughter into the air, into my ears, he pulled me by my wrist, out of my bed.

I struggled to break free from his grip but he was just way too strong for a teenage werewolf like me and the worsr thing is, he even tightened his grip around my wrist. I heard my wrist bone crack and it was really painful. He meticulously yet strongly pulled the struggling and wiggling me all the way out into the snow, under the night sky. He pulled my hair so hard I could swear that all my hair could have fallen off. He laid me down on the freezing cold and thick white snow and from the side, he brought my upper body up to him and he pushed my hair to the side and brought his face nearer to me. He brought his fangs to my neck and sunk them in deeply. I winced in a little pain as I felt my energy draining out of my body and into James's mouth. How could I be so stupid to be giving him my energy? After he was done feeding on me, he threw me back on the snow and carried me bridal style with me in his arms like a dead person and brought me back into the pack house, into Jace's room and he set me down on the bed.

"Do not tell anyone about this. If you do, I will kill you," he warned me, glaring at me at his dangerous dark red eyes.

"Y-yes, master," I stammered.

I was always afraid of Master James. No matter when he's nice or he's evil, I would always be afraid of him. He always had a dark aura around him, I don't know why, but he's like a dangerous royal that everyone has no choice but to obey him. It's like a one-way-or-die kind of thing.

"Good girl," he said, smirking in a mocking way as he nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Goodbye now. I will return," he said, bowed and disappeared into the darkness as I laid there in fright, shivering and a sore neck.


"Luna? Luna?" Meredith called out to me, shaking me out of my trance.

"Y-yes, Meredith?" I asked, stuttering as I recalled the horrifying events of last night.

Was it real? Was it just a nightmare, a bad dream? Am I still safe?

"You were in a daze, are you alright?" Meredith asked, filled with genuine concern.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. Where's Jace?" I asked, frowning at his absence.

"Oh, he-"

"Hello, I heard my little mate is asking for me," Jace cut Meredith off as he opened the dark wood door with his adorable big eyes and his signature Cheshire-looking wide grin.

He closed the door with a click and he went over to Meredith and I, by the bedside. He nodded at Meredith and she did too, they exchanged looks and then Meredith exited the room after she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"How are you feeling right now? Any better or any worse ? Im really worried about you, babe,"

Snickering at the word 'babe' he used on me and trying to conceal the truth, I answered, "Well, I'm feeling alot better. What happened?"

"I don't know, too. And sweetheart, you shouldn't be lying to me," he stated, as he gave me his sad expression.

Upon hearing the word "lying" coking from my own mate, Jace, I frowned and I realized my mood saddened as I let my eyelashes lay down on my undereyes and tried to hold back in the tears that were welling up in my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows as I did and nervously bit my lip, praying that the tears would not fall. A lump was forming in my throat and I had abit of trouble breathing properly and I felt my heart pound harder and faster against my chest. I took note of my shrinking form and tried stopping my heart from sinking and palpitating. I could have sworn that my heard could have jumped out of my chest that very moment. Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened my eyes and swallowed the big lump in my throat and all I could get out of my mouth was, "Sorry."

Then the hot tears fell on my cooling face. I was sobbing uncontrollably by then, non-stop. "Breathe, Mia, Breathe! Stop crying, Mia!" I thought in my head. The more I tried to hold back my tears, I couldn't. I let the tears flow down my burning cheeks and off my jaw. I was too guilty to look up and face Jace. I was too guilty of lying to an Alpha. To my mate. To my everything. I was too ashamed to face him.

"Aww.. don't be sad. Come here, sweetheart," he continued, "I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to say you were lying. I'm so sorry.. This is all my fault.. Please stop crying, sweetheart."

I ignored him. I thought of what I should and must do. I've got to leave, I'm sick and tired of my own attitude. I've really got to leave and must stop hurting him. Tell me why.. I have to leave. I will.

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