sunstreaker and sideswipes sparklings

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gender: femme


family: sunstreaker (sire) sideswipe (sire) daystream (twin sister) carrier unknown

frame: smaller then the terror twins but bigger then acree and her sisters

colors: light yellow and light red

weapons: does not have any yet she is still a youngling

alt: does not have on yet she is still a youngling

faction: autobot

day stream:

gender: femme


family: sunstreaker (sire) sideswipe (sire) sliversun (twin sister) carrier unknown

frame: smaller then the terror twins but bigger then acree and her sisters

colors: light red and light yellow

weapons: does not have any yet she is still a youngling

alt: does not have on yet she is still a youngling

faction: autobot

when the war started they where new borns, they don't know much about their home plant of cybertron or even their carrier. they are know as the small terror twins taking up after their sires. a carrier figure to them would be amberstar who is the sparkling of ironhide and chromia. they look up to their sires and think they are the best in the world and want to be like them when they are older, but for now they are living their online in the best way they can by being sisters and not causing much trouble when something is going on. the only ones they prank are stromhunter, darkstorm, and thunderstorm, who all let them get away with it.

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