Chapter 1

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Episode 1 A Unexpected Blackout

The guest arrived eargly hurt from teleporting.

Vince McMahon - The Savant
Shane McMahon - The Adventurerer
John Cena - The Aviator
Seth Rollins - The Victor
Dean Ambrose - The Artist
Roman Reigns - The Con Man
Ricochet - The High Flyer
Mustafa Ali - The Loner
Becky Lynch - The Man
Charlotte Flair - The Queen
Carmella - The Loner
As the guest walked in they liked the mansion but Vince needs a explaining. Vicne walks in from upstairs in a tuxedo. "What the frick man" Seth says "Why the hell are we here" They all stare at Vince. "I Don't know" "And plus this maybe be a party for me" Shane stares at Vince "Dad are you for real" Shane says. Vince notices his son and face palms "Damnit Vince" he says to himself

As they say. Of course the Shield sat together. As the maid brought food and as they ate. "Vince where the heck did you get this house" Becky says. "I don't know" Vince replies.

The maid gives John Cena a note and walks along. They all ooo and he replies " y'all jealous" He reads the note and then keeps it. After John starts coughing up blood. The whole entire table screams as they try to get John Cena back.

(CF: "What the fuck, why the hell is Cena coughing up this damn shit" Seth says)

John is then dragged to the ground as Seth snatches the note "You've been poisoned, Find 2 portions of an antiode" "Guys we need 2 Portions of an antidote"

(CF: "Don't tell me we need to solve some puzzles I am horrible" Becky says)

They all split into groups

Team 1
The Shield

Team 2
Mustafa Ali

They split up as Ricochet and Ali look for clues to a portion of an antidote. Ricochet spots a green book and asks Ali to come. He opens the book reading "Go to the library, place this book around the library in each rectangle spot"  "Come on Ali" Ricochet says. They run to the library when they only find two rectangle spots. As Ali spots the 2 final ones they go back to give John the antidote.

Team 1

Vince starts running upstairs to a godfather clock. He opens it and twists the clock. It opens a note "Break this clock to collect your prize but be careful not to break yourself"  Vince looks all around the house and finally finds a hammer. He smashes the clock. Becky stays with John as they only have 10 seconds. Vince struggles to pull it open. "Help me guys this is stuck" Vince shouts. They all help Vince but he gets to weak. And the time stops. "GUYS HE'S DEAD" Becky shouts.

(CF: "Damn you kidding me right, John dying" Becky says)

(CF: "What the fuck" Roman says)

(CF: "There goes another champion of mine" Vince says)

As the guest pile up in the room. Becky sits down right next to Seth Rollins. They then start talking quietly. Vince walks up in the room devistated by Cena's death. After his butler walks in with tarot cards. He gives everyone there own tarot cards to see what they look like:

(CF: Fuck, mine is throat slit, what kind of mediocre card is this " Seth says)

After viewing there cards, The maid walks up in. The guest stand up and say all together "YOU DID THIS" The maid says no. Becky doesn't believe her but keeps quiet. As time goes by they here loud screaming sound. As they rush to go see it, it was girl that was being attacled by a greenish red monster. As the monster choked her to death. The monster eyes the guests and start running. The guest run as Becky runs with Seth. The Shield runs with him to. As they run there was no sign of the monster as the monster appears in front of Becky. It tries to grab her but Seth punches it off. It attempts to grab Becky again. It succeds and dissapear. It then knockouts Becky while she falls into a chamber. The Monster then grabs Shane McMahon. He then screams as it knockouts him into a chamber. As the guest run out to the lounge. They lose two of there guests.

They here another scream but it sounds like Becky and Shane.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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