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He opened the curtain and smiled "we will be on our way now! Have a good day!" He said, dragging me out of the room by the wrist. And when we got in the car he immediately slapped me.

"You price of weak trash, you couldn't handle a little cut and bruises, useless!" He said driving me home.

•okay sooooo I'm lazy again and just wanted too get this out cus a certain SOMEBODY wants me too continue this bad story, and you know who you are, but yeah I didn't read over it cus I got lazy but jeez how did I get like 200+ views I'm gonna die now cus like ppl like my bad as HECK story, but I'm mean and am doing Bakubro's POV cus I'm mean heh bye and enjoy (PS I'm still working on Bakugo's pov thing cus I'm not the best at his)•

~<Bakugo's POV>~

I brought in shitty hair to the hospital and said that he needed help. He got taken away and I don't know why but when sharky was being taken away I didn't want him too leave. I shook my head 'ugh just focus on what's wrong with the stupid red head!' I take a breath and call my parents. "Oi, hag meet me at the hospital!" "WHAT?!? The hospital!! Are you okay!!" "Yeah yeah, it's for some kid at school, I made him come here but he wouldn't go cus he can't afford it" I say annoyed, than all of the sudden there is a shriek, "oh my GOD Katsuki! You're caring for someone else! You made a friend!!" I roll my eyes, "ugh no! Just come here" I hear them call me over, "I gotta go their calling me" I said hanging up.

I walk over, "you're the one who brought in Eijiro Kirishima, right?" She said not even looking up, "I did" I said kind of annoyed, "well he will have too go into surgery, because upon looking at him more we can see he has 2 broken ribs and is internally bleeding, we also have to stitch up his chest, he also has really bad bruises everywhere." I stood there trying too take it all, 'Shitty hair is getting surgery, how did this happen, who did this, whoever did this to him I will kill, ughhhhh, why am I thinking so much about it, but still who would do this too him?'

My thoughts were cut off by my mom and dad coming in, I gave them an update and told them who Shitty hair was "okay so his name is Eijiro Kirishima, and he's going into surgery? Poor kid, I wonder what happened, did he tell you anything..?" I shook my head no, "ughhhhh I'm so fucking pissed! Why wouldn't he tell anyone! Tch, talkin about manly and shit and what he's pullin right now ain't manly!" I ranted and my mom slapped the back of my head "OI Kat stop cursing!" She yelled, "uhm Bakugo Katsuki, you can come check on him, you can also bring your parents I'm assuming they are he is in room 324, and if you can, try too contact his father, we couldn't get a hold of him" she says and walks off.

We go into the room and see him asleep on the bed and connected too this thing too help him breath, his hair was down, and he looked so peaceful but had such a sad face, a face I hope too never see again, I looked away not able too see the expression. I let out a shaky breath and my mom pats my back. We sit down and I see his stuff on a little table, I take out his phone, and it's not a very good phone, it's also super cracked, I open it and it has a password, I think for a second, I type in 'Crimson Riot' and it opens, I smile at myself.

I go into his phone contacts and see that he doesn't really have any numbers, he has Mina, and some girl named Tarakai Hikari, 'I swear I've heard that name before, meh' he also has a recently added, Ryuji, than I see Haruto Kirishima, and in the nicknames it says 'dad' 'huh why would he put his real name for his dad' I call and it goes too voicemail, I was gonna hang up but something caught me off guard, and I listened too the voicemail, "I'm clearly not here, so call back or whatever, but if you're Eijiro, or Yui, fuck off and stop calling" that's all it said and I sat down looking at the phone. "What the fuck...?" I mumbled. I looked in his phone a little and I thought a little and added my number in his phone, than I went in his pictures.

In the camera roll there were a lot of pictures of crimson riot, I than saw this one picture, it was of Mina and that kid I saw when I was in middle school. I looked at it confused 'how does he know a person from the grade below him?' I think and look threw the camera more. I than see this girl with blond hair and purple eyes, and she looks exactly like that girl that was attacking Shitty hair, 'why is she on his ph-' before I could finish my thought my mom hit my head, "OI Kat! Stop snooping ya little brat! Now lets get going and we can come back tomorrow, they still need to do surgery on him" she said I let out a groan and walked with them.

When we got home I went straight too my room. I laid down and just thought for a while, my mind was going so fast it was pissing me off. I groaned and after a while I fell asleep.

I woke up too my mom yelling at me, "uggghhh I'm getting up now so shut up!" I yelled back I get dressed in my casual clothes and go downstairs. "Kat why aren't you wearing your school uniform!" I glared at her and said "cus I'm gonna go check on Rock Collection at the hospital!" She thought for a moment and grabbed her keys, "well we'll take you! Right hun?" She looked at my dad and he smiles and gave a nod, I groaned.

We all drove too the hospital. We went into his room and he had that same face he had yesterday, I looked away again like a wimp and let out another shaky breath. I walked to the chairs and there were about 4, than my parents sat down too. After a while we all fell asleep.

I start to wake up hearing faint mumbling, I try too ignore it and I let out a grumble, I open my eyes a little and there was something different, there sat Shitty Hair looking at me with his dumb smile. I blink for a second. "O-oh! Shitty Hair your awake! They said you would be up tomorrow!" I say and shove my moms head off of my shoulder, she yells at me and introduces herself to him. I stand there kinda annoyed and hear him ask for my moms phone. I roll my eyes and smirk a little, tossing him my phone.

He dials and it rings and when it answers, he says that it's him and that he's in the hospital, than there is screaming, like kinda loud, so much so that he pulled it away from his ear and my dad woke up, but what confused me most was the fact it wasn't concerned screaming, more like mad.

He hung up kinda down and turned too us, my mom told him that we paid for the medical bills and he thanks us a bunch.

We talked for a while and it was nice I actually laughed a few times, than all of the sudden, the door swung open with a bang, and when I looked at this guy, he had a face that read murder, like he actually wanted too hurt somebody and his gaze was glued on Shark face over there, I stiffened and he than looked around a little and his eyes widened when he saw us. He took a deep breath, and smiled, and it than hit me, 'This guy is Shitty Hairs dad!'

He started on with "are you okay?"s and stuff but I didn't buy it and I could tell the hag didn't either, she told bums about us paying for shitty hair and he gave him his clothes and closed the curtains, I immediately go over and listen in, I hear 'did you tell them...injured!.... no...' and the no was very mumbled and I heard him let out a sigh of relief, I was about to walk in there when the hag grabbed me and pulled me back, and in that moment the curtains opened and they left.

My mom and dad turned to each other than too me, "what were they saying?" My dad asked, and I thought and said "something about, 'did you tell them' and I missed a little but I heard 'injuries' so I'm guessin' he was asking about how he got the injuries, but at the same time it seems like he asked if he told anyone else how he got the injuries, as if he knew, but than Rock Collection said no he didn't tell anyone.."

My parents and I exchanged looks, "we gotta keep an eye on him..."

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