In the end, I was stuck in a room with Tajana, Sophie, and Katsuo. I didn't know why he wanted to share a room with me but I believe he said something along the lines of "keep your friends close but your enemies closer." Considering the situation we were in together, it seemed unwise to be so blunt about disliking someone. Besides, we had just met, and I had done nothing wrong at all. 

The room was not as empty as I expected. There was a table with four chairs in the middle, and on either side was a bunk bed. A large painting of a brilliant scattering of tiny blue flowers hung on the wall. 

Then the mysterious announcer came on again: "Welcome, dear guests. Emilia, A—no, Katsuo, Sophie, and Tajana. The first task is to vote out one person in your group to sacrifice. You will have one minute to decide and your decision is final. If you do not come to a decision, we will decide for you...One last thing, you may not converse with each other for this decision." A weighty dread fell over us, and we looked gloomily toward the ground.

The room was eerily quiet and nobody moved at first. Then, Katsuo moved toward the table in the center of the room.

A wooden box with a slit sat in the middle of the table. A ballot box? Next to the ballot box, laid a stack of colored paper and some pens. 

"Thirty seconds, contestants."

First, Katsuo grabbed a paper and hastily scribbled something down before dropping it in the box. Tajana was next. Sophie stared at me and glanced back at Tajana before she wrote something down on her paper. My body moved by itself as I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I didn't know who to put down so I scrawled my own name on it and quickly threw it in the ballot box. I didn't want someone else's blood on my hands.

A loud beep echoed throughout the room.

"Emilia Min, walk towards the door. Your task awaits you." I walked towards my own execution, my hands shaking uncontrollably. Regret anchored me down as I furiously questioned my own hasty decision. My feet were like blocks of lead that refused to be lifted, so I trudged on, my feet dragging against the floor until I was face to face with the milky-white surface of the door. I heard a clunk and closed my eyes, expecting a painful end but nothing happened. I looked down, it was a pistol. 

"Let's play a game of Russian roulette, the gun is loaded with three rounds. As the chosen one, you are awarded the first shot to the head. You have five seconds before everyone dies. Begin."

I picked it up my heart pounding furiously in my chest as if it was trying to escape from this horrendous mess. Should I shoot myself or take everyone else down? It seemed like a selfish question. The answer was obvious.

I held the gun against my head. I prepared myself as I pressed the trigger. 


"Congratulations, Lady Luck was on your side tonight. There are three rounds total. Pick a target from your group and fire a shot, alternatively, you can fire another shot at yourself. Every shot needs to be fired at somebody before the door is unlocked. There are three minutes remaining, at the two-minute mark there will be a surprise."

At the announcement, something finally snapped inside Tajana. She abruptly stood up and proceeded to walk towards the door. Tajana shook the handle violently but no matter what she did the door remained locked. She started to bang on the door forcefully, trying to push it open.

"I wanna go home, let me go!"

The loud thuds faded to a whimpering sob. I felt pity for her, I understood what she meant.

"It's going to be alright," said Sophie stepping towards her.

"No!" Tajana lashed out, "You don't understand, we're going to die. Everyone's going to die." She stood up like a madwoman and grabbed Sophie's neck. "Listen to me, we're all going to die."

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