Guilty Pleasure pt.1

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Vaggie laid awake wide eyed and deeply troubled. Her mind was racing with a million thoughts of what she was going to do regarding Alastor. It had only been three days since the Radio Demon showed up on their doorstep claiming that he wanted to 'help'. Vaggie knew from the beginning that the cannibal was untrustworthy he was up to something sinister and what ever his intentions were it was about more than just alleviating boredom. The monster could destroy her girlfriend's dream without a second thought maybe even her girlfriend! Then all their efforts of redemption would be over before it even got started. This thought caused Vaggie to look over to Charlie who was currently slumbering silently on the other side of the semi-large bed. Vaggie's mind instantly recalled the events prior to the evening causing her overwhelming guilt to resurface.

Just after another bout of shenanigans with Angel Dust and some enemies the patrons of the Happy Hotel retreated back into their nearly empty abode to wind down and relax although Vaggie couldn't. She hadn't let her guard down for a second since Alastor showed up. That damn shit-eating grin kept her alert all the time every time they even made eye contact with one another she'd tense up and stare him down. While everyone else congregated at the bar and talked the quiet moth demoness turned to walk down the hall trying to get her thoughts together. She had to figure out what the Radio Demon was plotting perhaps there was a way to make him lose interest and leave! So many speculations and theories circled in and out of her brain as she walked on unaware that a certain red-eyed wide-grinned deer demon was watching her.

She walked on until she was outside of the hotel and wandered into the vine covered wasteland that was the garden. It was terribly barren with no form of sustainable life and what ever was alive was highly deadly. She continued down the path her mind preoccupied with thoughts of how to keep their hotel safe. While a crazily smiling shadow shifted around on the ground right behind her. Vaggie instantly picked up on the presence then looked back finding no one. "Hm." She hummed briefly before hesitantly turning back to walk only to almost bumped into the sharp-toothed smile of Alastor who was bent forward to her level. "You! Why are you here?" She demanded angrily as she stepped back and manifested her spear, then shoved the bladed tip into his face like when they met. The staticy chuckles crackled from the deer as he straightened himself up and lightly caressed the blade with his sharp red claws. He eyed the weapon as he spoke coyly to the on-edged chica. "You seem tense my dear. Any particular reason why?" He asked. The white-haired demoness widened her wrathful gaze incredulously at the deer's question. "'Why?'--are you serious? You're a monster!" She yelled. "You think you have everyone else fooled but I won't rest until you're out of our lives!" She finished. Alastor just smirked at the infuriated woman's outburst. "Heh heh heh. Darling there's no need to fear me. After all I've come to offer my help!" He cheered. "Yeah so you've said already!" Vaggie's slumped unamusement turned into confusion when a gloved hand was brought to her face. "Oh-ho no dear, not the hotel. At this moment I'm offering to help you." Alastor clarified. "Me? Help me with what?" The demon got into her face almost touching noses with her as he immediately answered her question. "Why your over zealous stress! You can't run a successful establishment if you're always on alert!" He proclaimed while making animated gestures. Vaggie kept her spear close to her body as the taller demon circled her and continued on with his speech. "I've noticed how on guard you've been, and how overworked you must be. In my opinion you need a certain sort of attention?" Vaggie blushed with flustered rage glaring and growling in outrage. "Oh don't be so hostile my dear. I'm merely suggesting you attend to your own devices, take some time off for yourself." Vaggie's growls intensified at the unwanted suggestion.  Alastor lowered his lids then chuckled mirthfully. "Or perhaps...that is how you wish to unwind?" The moth's rage then turned curious. "What?" Alastor then invaded her space and put a hand on her shoulder with another deep chuckle. "Let's not dally." Vaggie was about to tell the voodoo bastard to 'fuck off' But before she could even get a sound out Alastor snapped his finger using his magic to transport them from the garden disappearing without a trace.

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