It's You

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My eyes widen in shock. "Zac... hey." I say quietly. "H-hey." He stammers. All I can do is stare into his piercing blue eyes. I thought I was over him, but just looking at him makes old feelings come back. "You know this loser?" One of the jocks say. Before he can respond, I speak for him. "No, he doesn't know me, I'm just some loser," I say, frowning. I begin to stroll pass them and make my way to my locker. I notice Zac give me a few glances, before I left.

After I put my things away in my locker, I almost flinch as I see my friend Stella.

"Hey Kate." We embrace each other into a hug. "Did you here the big news?" I ask her. "You know it, girl." She exclaims. "So..." she nudges my elbow.


"I saw you talking to Zac, did you finally declare your love for
him. " she grins. I playfully roll my eyes at her. "You guys use to be best friends." She says. "Yeah, well that was until he became popular and forgot all about me."


Math class lasts for long and boring hours. I sit on a stool next to Stella, since we practically have the same classes. I hear two giggling girls from behind me as I spun seeing Zac and two girls flirting with him. "Kill me now." I groan in disgust. I turn back in my seat to focus in class.

After class is over, My teacher tells Zac and I to stay after class. It's our last hour class anyways, but I really want to go home and binge watch "Riverdale"

"You wanted to see us Mrs. Anderson?" I ask. "Yes. You're a straight- A  student in this class, which is why I was wondering if you could help Zac bring his grades up in order to continue playing basketball."

Both our eyes widen as we stare in confusion at each other. "Oh... I'm sure Zac wouldn't want me to be his tutor." I say nervously. "And I'm sure Kate has better things to do, then bother me." He says. I snap my head towards Zac. "You think I'm a pest? I don't even talk to you I snap, feeling a little hurt. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Sure you didn't." I cross my arms over my chest. "See, he hates me, and I hate him!" I exclaim. My teacher heavily sighs before responding.

"Think about it. If you help him, you'll be all over the news for helping the best basketball player on  the team." She tries to persuade me. "I would become popular and maybe way more popular than Zoey." I mumble to myself.

Fine, I'll do it, but only if I never have to talk to this douche ever again. "I poke my finger into his chest. "Ow." He exclaims.

We decided to meet in the library. "A- squared plus B-squared equals..." I trail off, noticing Zac not listening. "You're not even listening." I complain. "Yes I am." He begin to protest. I heavily sigh into my seat. "Look, I'm sorry okay? It's just hard." I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know math is hard, believe me, I use to be terrible at math." I chuckle. "Really?" I nod. " I'm sorry for being a jerk to you all these years. You deserve beter. " he stops laughing as he gets serious. "
"Did you really mean, you hate me?" He asks. "I didn't really mean that." I say. "Because I definitely don't hate you, Kate." He gets closer to me. I get closer to him. I almost lean in for a kiss.

"That's my baby, that's my baby." I hear a familiar voice say through the halls.

I quickly get out of my seat as I make my way through the halls. I meet eyes with Tyler the creator who stands before me.
"Woah." I say before feeling dizzy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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