I Don't Belong in Your World [ON HOLD]

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I guess this is the first chapter for a new story I've decided to write about. Enjoy~!


Chapter one:

I sat in the back upper level of the public bus along with all my friends. They were talking animatedly about the upcoming party, but frankly, I didn't even want to go. The bus was pretty crowded; mostly from students. I don't know most of their names, but I recognized their faces from around the school.

The bus stopped to let people on and one man in particular caught my attention. He was very tall. Maybe 6'5". The black hoodie covering most if not all of his face didn't do much to blend him in either. He looked around the bus, smiled, and paid his fare. He squished through the crowded bus for reasons I do not know of. It was already crowded in the back and there was much more space in the front. I don't understand why he would want to be squished amongst students instead. Perhaps he knew someone?

He stood right behind a very frail looking girl with midnight black hair that covered both her eyes and went down to her waist. I'm pretty sure I saw her at school before but I just can't place a finger on it. The strange man leaned closer to her and whispered something in her ear before straightening back up. I thought I saw the corner of her lips pull up before it was replaced by a blank expression. The strange man waited a while, probably for a response, and when he got none, he grabbed onto her shoulder roughly and said, "Give me your money and nothing bad will happen to you, child." I got off my seat and shifted closer to them to hear what they were saying. I could barely make out her response.

"I have no money on me, but you can take my homework if you want."

Was this girl crazy?

The hooded mugger blinked in shock before replying. "I don't think you understand what position you're in, sweetie." With that said, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her head.

That got everyones' attention and pretty doon the whole bus was in chaos. I heard a few gasps and a few girls shrieking from the back of the bus. The driver quickly stopped the bus, causing everyone to pitch forward. The moment the doors opened, everyone started pushing each other to get out. That girl; however, simply remained standing there. I would say she was frozen in shock, but she wasn't. In fact, she seemed almost calm.

The man had spun the girl and himself around, his back facing the empty seats with the girl in front of him. He was practically towering over her small frame.

The girl slowly reached her hand up to the gun, but the man started yelling at her, pressing the gun harder against the girl's head. She didn't so much as flinch. "PUT YOUR FUCKING HAND DOWN OR I'LL SHOOT YOU!" the hooded man yelled.

"Chill. I just want to be able to touch a gun in case I don't make it out alive. Can you at least let me do that? I promise I won't try to take it away from you forcefully." Her last sentence got a slight chuckle out of the man.

"You can't take this gun away from me, child. Sure, I'll let you touch it. It's the least I can do."

She reached her hand up slowly and brushed her finger against the side of the barrel. She smiled a bit and put her hand back down. "Okay, You may kill me and rob me now, but I doubt Audre would enjoy the fact that you killed his precious Rookie, now would you, Ejivya?" she said in a fake sugary tone. Neither of them noticed I was still here.

The man's eyes widened to the size of saucers and he quickly dropped the gun, spinning the girl around to face him. "Y-y-you're Rookie?" he asked, but it seemed like he was trying to convince himself at the same time. She smiled a heartbreaking smile at him and bent down to pick up the gun 'Ejivya' dropped. He backed away slowly, shaking in fear. I was just standing there, so confused and so scared. How did this girl know him?

She took the gun in her hands and brushed it gently. "That's strange. You don't even know what I look like? Wow. Audre is way to possessive." She let out a long sigh before advancing closer to 'Ejivya'. When she reached him, he looked like he was about to wet himself. Oh how the tables had turned.

She grabbed his left hand and placed the gun on it. Why would she do that? "You'd better treat your weapons better cos I ain't making another one for you. And also, you've got a hell amount of explaining to do later on."

With that she turned around, just to face me. I flash of surprise crossed her face but she covered it up quickly before muttering to herself, "Guess I have a lot of explaining to do as well." She let out an irritated sigh before turning back to 'Ejivya'.

"You caused this," she scolded him while pointing at me. He was just cowering in fear. "You tell Audre about your little escapade before I do and you will get to leave out the part about me in it. But if you decide not to tell him, he will hear the full story from me. Now scram."

I watched in bewilderment as 'Ejivya' made a mad dash to the exit, tripping over his feet a couple times whilst muttering "sorry" to no one in particular.

She rubbed her temples and began approaching me. I didn't know what to do. I was scared, no doubt, but my feet were stuck on the spot as if cement had dried on it.

She smiled sheepishly at me. "I don't suppose you could just forget about all this?"

I wanted to. I wanted to forget about all this weirdness. She sighed, taking my silence as a no.

"Well, my name is Marilise. You're Nathaniel Greys, right?" I nodded meekly, unsure of what to do. She noticed my uncomfortable state and began to laugh. Her musical laugh echoed throughout the empty bus, somehow making me calmer. She was about to speak but was interrupted my police sirens. She looked around quickly in panic as if she just noticed her location, before sprinting out of the scene. She had rounded the block by the time the police cars arrived.

I should have left with the rest of the people on the bus. That would have saved my brain from a lot of questions.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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