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her regret rung her out until she was dry inside ...

📍Sunday 11:32PM

" In order to be better, I must learn to walk alone ."  Selin was looking blankly at the note she once considered a road to her goal . The remorseful wave of emotions absorbed her , it's not just Demir but how is she going to tell him the whole truth ? She can't forgive herself so how can he forgive her ? The questions inside her head are endless . However, even with the pressure and guilt consuming her soul , she still thinks he's better off without her , not only him but everyone in general .


After spending the weekend getting herself consumed enough by pain , it's time for Selin to start her busiest week , she's been running from the filming location to her management meeting to the individual commercial studios and now , it's already Thursday night , she is sitting in front of the ocean drinking a hot coffee looking at the marvelous beauty of Istanbul in the middle of December until her Instagram notification interrupted her mediation . Demir posted a magnificent glimpse of Albufeira, it's the place where they are going to film an interview and the promotion photoshoot on Monday . Selin didn't bother to think about him since she already decided that everything is over yet the thought of not being able to talk to him warns to devour every part of her until all that's left is sorrowful human shaped shell , way too dazed to feel the torture anymore.

📍 Albufeira ; Portugal .

Under the moonlight, all he could think about is Selin's face, the smell of her hair, the way she hauled herself against his chest and how her breath soaked inside his mouth . Demir was confused but certain that he's not going to make any move, everything is crystal clear now , they are not meant to be .

And another week has passed , and now it's time for both of them to meet again . It's been two weeks , Selin isn't as affected as she used to be .. as the olds once said
" time heals " but unfortunately, not everything has a cure.

Selin entered the room and Demir got overwhelmed , he missed her , he missed her so much but she built a road he can not ever cross . In the other hand there was Selin who got a battle war inside of her , she wished the ground would split and gulp her down , she can not stand the look in his eyes , she no longer feels the warmth and tenderness . the table has turned and now , she can only sense the emptiness , coldness and heaviness he carries inside his glares.

" Selin Hanim , thank you for coming. Please take a sit . " The interviewer said
" We can start if you are ready. "

" Yes I'm ready .. "


" Wow , you guys have a melting chemistry . The interviewer continued giving both of them heart eyes " What about the story of the movie? We're airing this Interview after the premiere so feel free to spoil . "

" Well , it's a real life story " Selin spoke with tension " Phantom is a story of a girl who lost her family . They have been murdered by a well- known prosecutor in a car accident . So when the justice system failed her, she decided to take justice into her own hands ... bu kadar . "

" What about your character , Demir bey ? "

• " All we should know about my character is that he has a story of his own , a very dark and tragically interesting background but he fell in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time . "

" What about the end ? Is it a happy ending ? "

Selin : In my opinion , it has a happy ending. The aim of the story got served . Unfortunately , you can't make everyone happy ... sometimes we have to sacrifice our loves , our lives and ourselves.

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