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Luhan was just laying on his bed listening to music when he heard a loud yell," Luhan, come downstairs, I want you to meet my friends!"

Luhan was shirtless in a pair of boxers, so he threw on a tight black shirt and ripped skinny jeans.

"Hi Lays friends. Can I leave now?" Luhan groaned as he stood in front of a group of boys

Lay rolled his eyes,"Be nice."

"Fine. I'm Luhan, I'm 18, I like boxing, and that's all I guess." Luhan mumbled

"Hi,I'm Baekhyun! I'm 17 and I'm a nature fairy!" Baekhyun said happily

"I already know what you are. I have the ability to sense what creature some is and you also look like a fairy." Luhan spoke nonchalantly

Their eyes widen

"I'm Chantelle!" He said loudly

"Oh, you're one of the guys that gives me looks because of my antlers! You're lucky I didn't strangle you! I already know all your names, lays shown me pictures of you guys and told me names." Luhan spoke sharply

Kai Chen Xiumin Kyungsoo Suho Kris Chanyeol Baekhyun Tao & I've already met Sehun." Luhan pointed

"Whoa." Kai mumbled

"I'm down now, right? I'm gonna read in the living room so leave me alone." Luhan grumbled he sit on the couch and grabbed his book he set there

"Um, I'm sorry about him, he's been in a bad mood ever since he got back from school." Lay sighed

"Um,hi." Baekhyun spoke sweetly

It took a couple of seconds but Luhan's eye moved to like at who was talking to him,"Uh,hi. Do you need something or?"

"We all went to a bubble tea shop and I got one for you." Baekhyun smiled as handed him the bubble tea

"Ooo, I love bubble tea! Thank you Baekhyun." Luhan smiles happily

"I'm sorry your first day was hell for you." Baekhyun said sadly

"It's not your fault, no need for you to apologize." Luhan sighed,"That Chanyeol is lucky he's a phonix, or else he'd be dead."

"He said he's really sorry, he won't give you weird looks anymore, he swears he won't." Baekhyun face flushed bright red

A smirk grew on Luhan's lips,"Oh, he your boyfriend." Baekhyun's face turned redder,"Awe, so he is your boyfriend! How long have you been together?"

"A year and a half." He said shyly

Luhan pulled out his phone,"Can I have your number?"

Baekhyun's eyes widened,"Sure but why?" He grabbed Luhan's phone and put his number in it

"I want to be friends with, why else would I ask?" Luhan laughed

"Baby, we should head home." Chanyeol called

"Okay Chanie, bye Luhan, it was nice meeting you." Baekhyun giggles as he left

"Bye Baekhyun!" Luhan yelled back

Luhan noticed that everyone was staring at him,"What?"

"We didn't think you could be so happy and sweet." Sehun mumbled under his breath

Luhan gave lay a deadly glare,"You told them I'm evil bitch,didn't you?! You wanna die don't you, you stupid unicorn!"

It was quiet for few seconds after that.

"Did you just call him Unicorn and he didn't hurt you!?" Chem asked shocked

"Yep, I'm special so I can call him unicorn. The first time I called him that, he called me little deer boy; I humiliated him in front of this girl liked after that." Luhan grinned


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