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She recognized the name.

She was the daughter of the king.

And soon, 

She would be hers.

At first, she simply watched.

Every few days, she came back to the lake to bathe and pick flowers.

The animals welcomed her.

The water glistened when she came.

The sun shone brighter.

Some days, however, she wouldn't come to the meadow.

She traveled deeper into the woods.

Noara watched her.

She would stop at a small, overgrown cottage.

Vines grew across the door and walls,

It's windows were always open.

It always smelled of fresh baked bread.

The flowers she picked decorated the area.

It suited her.

The goddess decided to act.

Every day, the goddess placed flowers on the doorstep.

She brought flowers never seen before. 

Flowers grown in the clouds.

Just as delicate as Vasileia.


The girl changed.

On the days she would usually stop at the cottage,

She went to the meadow.

Instead of picking marigold and daiseys,

She picked sunflowers, and other large blooms.

When the goddess stopped at the small cottage again,

The new flowers were bundled up on the front steps.

a note was attached to the binding.

It was the same neat writing that was on the stone.

Meet me at the lake.

the goddess and the girlWhere stories live. Discover now