Chapter 41

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Once everyone was caught, the entire group were at the hospital and so were the police. Shai was handcuffed along with Mei and Alyssa
"L-let me see her...please..." Mei said
"You will never see her again bitch!" Matsuri said
"Mizusawa...please calm yourself down" Liana said as she touched her shoulder. Matsuri gritted her teeth and walked away. Harumin wrapped her arms around her holding her closely
"It'll be okay" Harumin whispered
"Explain" Liana said
"It was me..." Shai mumbled
"Hm?" Liana asked
"It was me. Hahaha...I told Mei to take Yuzu away. Somewhere far from here where no one would find them" Shai said
"Shai...why? Why?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Mizusawa" Liana said
"Yuzu is your fucking cousin! Why did you let a fucking psychotic bitch get her?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Mizusawa! Enough!" Liana said raising her voice. Celeste went over to Matsuri and held her
"Matsuri...calm down" Celeste said
"Whatever..." Matsuri said as she looked away. Tears built up in Shai's eyes and giggled
"You haven't changed at all Matsuri-chan.'re still amazing as ever. I wish...I could be like you. Sadly...I'm still a weak little kid. I really haven't changed at all...especially because of him. Papa was always a bad man and I tried to pretend that he was amazing...but he was a terrible man. Even mama was scared of me just because I looked like him but...the one thing she did was gardening and taking care of her beautiful white roses. Heh everything seemed to be going well...until that bastard came. He killed mama...and then other men killed papa...and my pet dog. He was the last person in my family. Then Kang appeared in my life...I thought he was going to make my life better but I was wrong. My life turned to hell from the moment I met him. I could tell he had some odd obsession towards my father. Besides I have all his eyes and white hair...even a fucking dick" Shai said
"Why did you take Himeko away?" Liana asked
"I ordered her to kill her..." Mei said as she spoke up
"K-kill her?" Celeste asked
"Psycho bitch!" Matsuri shouted
"Why?" Liana asked
"Because she was being an annoying bitch..." Mei said
"How can you say that?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Crazy bitch. Killing your own best friend" Hana said
"Yeah..." Mei said
"Is that why you kidnapped her?" Liana asked
"I really...don't know. She...made me feel something inside. Not sure what but...I decided to protect her" Shai said
"Breaking her leg means protecting? You've murdered two girls isn't that right? Hinria Qin and Diane Tisna" Liana said
"Yes..." Shai said
"You were probably also involved with Kenia Kouske's case too" Liana said
"Yeah..." Shai said
"That's all I needed to hear. You two will go to prison and we'll see later on how long you two should be in there. As for you Alyssa Nishihara. You will be stuck in prison until you rot" Liana said
"Can I...still see my dau-"
"No!" Mei said raising her voice. Alyssa's eyes widen and looked at her daughter
"M-mei...but you-"
"You wanted to kill Yuzu and my mother..." Mei said
"M-mother? Wait...hahaha are you being serious?" Alyssa asked
"I...don't love you..." Mei said
"M-mei listen I was doing this to pro-hey! Wait!" Alyssa exclaimed as she got taken away by the police. Shai and Mei stood up as the officers got them as well
"Take them away" Liana said
"B-but I can still see her r-right?" Mei asked. Liana ignored her question as they took them away
"W-wait! Yuzu! Yuzu! I love you! Please! Let me see her!" Mei cried. Shai kept her head down until she felt a tug on her arm
"H-himeko don't..." Celeste said as she trembled. Himeko trembled and gripped onto her arm
"Shai...I love you" Himeko said. Shai only looked at her giving her a weak smile
"Sorry...Momokino-san..." Shai said before leaving
"Sh-shai?" Himeko asked. Shai kept her head down walking to the exit and passed by a glass window that showed her reflection. Shai glanced at the reflection seeing her father
Hahaha...just like you...right?
"Excuse me Nagemine?" The doctor asked
"Hm? Yes sir? How are they?" Liana asked as she looked at the doctor
"How is Yuzu-chan and my mother?" Matsuri asked
"Is Ume doing okay?" Soha asked
"I need you all to sit and listen" The doctor said which made everyone feel concerned. After the small group settled down the doctor let out a sigh
"There is some good news and bad news. The good news is Jinah and Ume are recovering though Ume has the worst burns than Jinah. The bad news is...that girl Yuzuko...passed away" The doctor said
"Wh-what? Y-yuzu-chan?" Matsuri asked as she clenched her fists tightly and tears built up in her eyes
"I-isn't there something you can do?" Harumin asked
"Well...we don't know if we can revive her since she lost a lot of blood and has no heart. Her mother...has decided to do a heart transfer and give her daughter her own heart. Pretty much her entire body to her. She wanted us to give it a try at least since...Ume won't be able to live for long with those burns. They are mother and daughter, they should be compatible. Hopefully this will work. We will do our best to wake her up. It'll take a miracle for everything to go right" The doctor said
"Please save her..." Matsuri said as tears rolled down her cheeks
"We will. Now we must hurry and get started" The doctor said and stood up
"W-wait we can't say goodbye?" Soha asked as she stood up with Celeste
"...make it quick. You have a minute" The doctor said and the two woman followed him. They got to the room and saw Jinah crying while holding Ume's hand. Sho stood beside her as he cried. Ume looked at her two friends and smiled
"Hey..." Ume said
"U-ume..." Soha said as she teared up. Celeste couldn't hold back her tears and trembled
"Ume...y-you...I-I..." Celeste said not able to speak
"Girls...there is no need to say anything. I've done horrible things but everything will be okay...since I'll be gone. I just wish...we had more time to talk and explain everything. Sorry for causing trouble for everyone and hopefully you can all forgive me but it's okay if you don't. And I'm sorry...for never speaking about my problems.  I wish I could've spoken with one of you...maybe that would've changed my fate" Ume said as tears rolled down her cheeks. The nurses came in and grabbed Ume's bed
"We must hurry" The nurse said
" ju-"
"Little sis...I told you. It's not your fault...everything will be okay" Ume said as she smiled softly. The three friends only teared up as memories began to appear in their minds
"I-I was suppose to save you..." Jinah cried
"And you did..." Ume said
"N-no! I didn't! It's my fault you're like this! I-if only I saved you...o-on time...none of this...w-would've happened" Jinah cried. Soha and Celeste approached her and Ume struggled to sit up on the bed
"Please...don't Because everything is okay" Ume said and lifted her hand doing her peace sign. Jinah instantly hugged her gently and so did their two friends. Ume teared up and cried silently
It'll be okay...I promise. Besides...I was going to die either way. My beloved Yuzu...I will save you. You deserve to live...please don't cry...because I will always live in you. Stay strong Yuzu...
"I'm sorry...but it's time" The doctor said making the friends pull away from the hug. Ume reached out and held Sho's hand
"Sho...please do me a favor and give this letter to Mei. Please stay by her side Sho. She might need some time but what she needs right her father to be by her side telling her that you're there for her" Ume said as she handed him the letter. Sho only hugged her one last time and forced a smile
"I-I will" Sho replied. Ume smiled one last time before getting taken away. Everyone stepped out of the room watching Ume leave. Jinah's legs trembled and fell on her knees as she cried loudly.
H-how are you still...smiling?
Soha and Celeste cried along with her while they tried to comfort her
It's all my fault! I couldn't do anything! I couldn't save my big sister!

"Yuzu-chan...needed my help. She cried for help when we were little. I would always...see the pain in her eyes. She sometimes cried in her sleep and spoke in her sleep..." Matsuri said
"How did you find their place?" Liana asked
"...she guided me there. She told me that her mother took her their when she was a baby...I'm not sure if she was being honest with me. So I kept the location just in case and when I heard Mitsuko was gone...I immediately reacted and went to their place. But I should've known that it was a fucking trap. That Tonisha bitch...tried to kill me" Matsuri said
"Your ex?" Nitski asked
"Yes" Matsuri said
"She must be another victim. The Aois work with children and control their minds and set them free in the world to kill..." Liana said
"Like me...right?" Jinah asked as she approached the group
"Sorry..." Liana said
"Is that really all you have to fucking say to me? You kept it erased my never told me!" Jinah shouted as she grabbed Liana by her collar shirt
"Hey leave-"
"Stop it Hana" Liana said
"You bitch! You knew about my past! About the Aois! About everything! Why!? Why?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! YOU SHOULD'VE SAID SOMETHING!" Jinah shouted. Everyone stayed silent and Liana pushed her away gently
"I know it hurts but...I didn't want to see you suffer again. We had to get rid of those memories using a medicine. You lived a normal life when they found you...until you snapped at him" Liana paused and sighed
"What?" Jinah asked
"Your killed him and...ate his flesh" Liana said. Jinah's eyes widen and covered her mouth as she fell down coughing
'It seems that I'm was tasty right?'
St-stop it..leave me alone...
"Jinah...forgive me. I just...didn't want to remind you about your horrible past. I believe Ume wanted that too...since when you two became friends...she never reminded you about the past" Liana said and kneeled down. Jinah gritted her teeth and glared at her with teary eyes
"D-damnit...why..." Jinah said and clenched her fists tightly. Celeste kneeled down and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind
"...I'm here..." Celeste whispered as she buried her face on her back. Jinah wiped her tears and tried to calm herself down
"We all need to rest...we've all been through a lot" Liana said. Everyone sat down waiting for Yuzu's results. Himeko kept thinking about Shai but she held onto her mother wanting comfort
I...miss her...
Hours passed by that felt like years until finally the doctor approached them
"It was a success" The doctor said as he smiled brightly
"Wait...she-she is okay?" Matsuri asked
"She's alive?" Himeko asked
"Can we see her please?" Harumin asked
"Of course but please be quiet" The doctor said and guided the three girls. He stopped by a room and opened the door for them. Their eyes widen seeing the black short haired girl holding a note. Yuzu trembled as she gripped onto the note tightly
'Yuzu I know you'll be very upset but please don't cry. Everything will be okay so please don't cry. Be happy and smile that you're still alive. I want you to live a happy and strong life. You have great friends that will help you get through this. Talk to them and ask for help. Don't hide your feelings inside. Let it all out. I don't want you to suffer like me...please Yuzu. Be happy. Be strong. Always smile...with happiness. Don't think I left you because I will always live in you. You can also talk to me whenever you want. I am always listening. Yuzu...I love you so much. You are the best daughter in the entire world. Everything will be okay. I promised to always protect you and I will. Even if I am gone...I will still protect you. Shine bright Yuzu and be happy'
Yuzu cried and her friends hugged Yuzu carefully as they cried along with her
"Yuzu...everything is okay. Mama is still here for you"
M-mama....i-it hurts so much...I-I need you...
"Yuzuko Aihara...I will always protect you and love you forever. I will never leave your side ever again. I will always stay with you and care for you"
Yuzu lifted her head a bit and trembled

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