Chapter 15

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"Hey! Slow down!"

Olivia tried to catch up as Elsa ascended stone steps that were part of the many interconnecting alleyways with Zuen.

"I bumped into a man in the shop, and when I did, I saw things," said Elsa. "I saw his history, his family, where he worked for a living...the type of company he kept..."

Olivia was getting frustrated. "What are you talking about?"

"That man, he had traveled recently. Far from here, to a region close to the Southern Isles. He met a man there, a sailor. There was talk of a mutiny, directed toward my kingdom of Arendelle. He said an attack was imminent..."

Olivia stopped in her tracks, nonplussed. "You mean to tell me you got all that just by touch?"

"I know it's strange...I didn't think it was possible, I thought I could only do it with my sister. But apparently - once again - my powers are stronger than even I could have anticipated. And now I need to warn Arendelle. I need to send a message to Kristoff...I need to warn him of what's coming."

"In that case, come with me," Olivia waved her to a secluded alley that branched off from the steps they were ascending. They continued moving upward until they reached a tall stone tower resembling a giant version of the rook piece from Chess.

Elsa looked around at the barren tower in awe. "What is this place?"

"An observatory," Olivia walked to the wall and began ascending a rusty ladder leading to the roof. "Lucky for us it's deserted, but it won't be for long, so hurry up."

Elsa obeyed, and the two women scaled the ladder until they emerged at the top. From their vantage point, they could see the entire city of Zuen, as well as the open waters surrounding the isle. From the distance, Mt. Aragorn could still be seen, but now it seemed closer than ever.

"Whatever you need to do, just do it now so you don't get caught," said Olivia.

"Alright," Elsa closed her eyes to concentrate. After several seconds, she opened her eyes and raised her arms straight above her head. Her body emanated an icy glow, and a large bird made entirely of ice emerged, and promptly flew away, toward the open waters of the horizon.

Olivia's jar dropped. "What was THAT?"

Elsa wiped her brow and grinned. "I'm hoping it will act as a carrier pigeon and spread the word of the impending attack to Arendelle. What do you think?"

Olivia approached Elsa, smiled coyly...then proceeded to jam her gloved digit harshly into Elsa's forehead. "IN-CON-SPI-CU-OUS. Is that not in your vocabulary?!"

"I know it's a bit showy, but it was all I could think of," said Elsa, heading back to the ladder. "Cut me some slack, alright? I've got a lot to worry about."

"You have no idea..." muttered Olivia as she followed back down to the ground below.


After they emerged from the tower, Olivia continued to lead Elsa as the traversed the labyrinthine passageways that dotted the backstreets of Zuen.

"So where are we off to now?" asked Elsa.

"Well I figured we'd lay a bit low after your little stunt," said Olivia. "Then make our way to the airship holding docks as the time approaches 4:00pm."

Elsa and Olivia found themselves in a small open area. Flanked from every corner there were doors leading to different residences.  The path continued onward directly ahead of them. On the northeast side of the space an innocent-looking little girl sat on the ground. She was staring at the girl with wide grey eyes.

"Beggar girl," said Olivia. "Best to avoid her. Let's press on."

"How could you say such a thing?" scolded Elsa. Despite Olivia's protestations, she approached the beggar girl, and crouched down to her eye level. "Hello there. What have you got there, little one?"

The beggar girl held out a single red rose. Elsa smiled. "How much?"

"Not much," replied the girl, sweetly. 

Elsa went to grab for the rose, but as soon as she did, the girl's sweet face contorted into a malevolent grin. "Like your freedom."


"Now!" The little girl stood up, and suddenly the small space was assaulted from all sides by strong gusts of wind. Looking up, Elsa could see that magic users were stationed in windows expertly placed several metres above the ground.

To defend herself, Elsa attempted to use her ice powers, but the wind just brushed what she conjured aside as if it was nothing.

"Elsa! It's a tra--!" before Olivia could say anymore, the large grunt they met in the forest from earlier appeared and hit her on the head, knocking her out immediately.

Suddenly Elsa was lifted off the ground by the wind, and was immobilized. The other members of the grunt's group reappeared, and suddenly a cane materialized in the little girl's hand, which made Elsa question of the person was a little "girl" at all.

"Not too often we get Wetties out here," said the "girl", whose voice sounded much more cruel and mature. "What a rare find. Between her and the fire wielder, I'm sure we'll get a pretty penny for our troubles. Let's get them ready."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now