Five; "You're hallucinating."

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ANOTHER FULL MOON approaches, as I have yet to lie awake at night And crumble away as my sub-consiousness mind Completely erase a chunk of life from my existence

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ANOTHER FULL MOON approaches, as I have yet to lie awake at night And crumble away as my sub-consiousness mind Completely erase a chunk of life from my existence. I can't help but feel as though a piece of my bitter human size Dies just a little bit more every time I let this uncontrollable rage take over my body. Letting the effects of the full moon Win and take over like this is more than frustrating, now that I'm stuck in a Room surrounded by other Rooms holding Dozens of people. People that I know-

I let out a Shakey breathe, clearing the stress from my brain. "I wish there was I way I could prevent myself From thinking."
I shudder alloud. I toss and turn in my bed for the le-millionth time. I can't believe I just thought that.

My face goes red and i Grab my pillow sinking my cherry coloured face into the pillows nuzzling my way into comfort; and epically failing.

The sound of my phone vibrating, caught my attention.

I glance next to my bed, at my phone in the floor. I couldn't completely reach down far enough to pick it up, but I managed to paw around it Searching through my notifications with a sigh.

Unknown: Hey Avrie, meet me in front of the school!
Recieved: 4:47pm

Me: uhhhhh??
Sent: 4:48pm

Unknown: it's me! You know? Your daily dose of sunshine
Received: 4:49pm

Me: Lol good thing I'm colorblind
Sent: 4:50pm

• ○ •

It's me'a Mirio: That's very dark, but I'll always be there to brighten
your day
Recieved: 4:56pm

Me: how'd you get my number -_-
Sent: 5:00pm

It's me'a Mirio: Where are you!
Received: 5:01pm

• ○ •

I huff, as I shuffle my way to mirio, eventually growing to lazy to type and walk at the same time. I slide my phone in the pocket of my black hoodie. I keep my hood over my face, be being sort of self conscious about my ears at this time. I was pretty nervous about meeting up with Mirio, mainly because of that corny joke I made in my head earlier today.

By the time I finally made it there, I felt as if My heart were the engine of a lawn mower, suddenly breaking down Mere seconds before you managed to finish the last patch of grass On a Heated summer evening.

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