A little joke turns big part 8 (Idk if it's lemon?)

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South korea P.O.V

so I got moved and  abused by magic. I'm somewhat fine?! I then I tied myself to a chair. I was playing dead to see what north korea would do...Oh goodness I'm going to get the worst punishment ever. But I mean north korea is almost back to ice cube face so I need to keep him alive...So I held my breath, and put some fake blood here and there close my eyes and I think I just turned this into a prank...

North korea P.O.V

I walk in the house and south looked dead there was a lot of blood. I first untied south korea and as I look at the blood I licked the blood and it tasted very fake I did it to know if it was fake. Real blood tastes a lot like water with sugar also I turns reddish-brown color. after 5 minutes.     I pick up south and whispered to him "나는 당신이 무엇을하고 있는지 말할 수 있습니다(I know what your doing)"
He still did his acting. so I guess now all I had to do was affection because I remember him calling me ice cube face so...I just put him on the bed and Kissed him on the forehead. Him still not waking up was about to kill my nerves!  So I might as well get a Some kimchi jar and shove it down his throat or Kiss above the poky level cause that was a high level of kisses. so I took a
Malang(some chewy cow candy) and put in my mouth I looked at south he was still playing then I put the Malang that was in my mouth into south koreas mouth. And also tried to manage a kiss...

South korea P.O.V

I still had my eyes closed and then I felt soft lips and and had a kiss and I opened my mouth and a candy entered my mouth...It was Malang! I opened my eyes and I was giving up then north was doing all of this. I pushed him away.
"AHHHH!!!" I said screaming.

"Next time when I say it's over, you stop. Understood?" He said looking coldly.

I look at him and tell him "Can you get off me, it looks very awkward..."

He got off then we both heard japan screaming for his life then we ran over to the house took off our shoes and walked in.

word count: 414

south korea x north korea Where stories live. Discover now