Buttercupshine, Hawkeye, Peacockcall, Nightsong, Pumpkinpatch and Waterstep (C)

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Buttercupshine, Hawkeye, Peacockcall, Nightsong, Pumpkinpatch and Waterstep (Closed)

Buttercuppaw is a white she-cat with a golden muzzle and ears. She is shy but playful.
Hawkpaw is a cream and white tabby she-cat with green eyes. She is adventurous and energetic.
Peacockpaw is a ginger and white tabby tom. He is loud and sociable.
Nightpaw is a small black tom. He is shy and timid. He loves to sleep and be with his mum.
Pumpkinpaw is a tabby calico she-cat. She can be snappy but is loyal and brave.
Waterpaw is a grey tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes. He is awkward and antisocial.


1. Buttercuptuft -Zarkarikia
2. Buttercupsnow -dreamshade-
3. Buttercupwild -starthehieoa
4. Buttercupshine --Deathscream-
5. Buttercupblossom -fernkitten
6. Buttercuppetal --Wandering_Spirit-
7. Buttercupmask -xXLunaWolfPupXx
8. Buttercupwish -Ginbellneko
9. Buttercupfur -mintpelt1
10. Buttercupmeadow -twilightmoon_cat


Buttercupshine (-Deathscream- )
Runner up:
Buttercupmeadow (twilightmoon_cat )


1. Hawkflame -Zarkarikia
2. Hawkblaze -dreamshade-
3. Hawkwing -starthehieoa
4. Hawkspark --Deathscream-
5. Hawksplash -fernkitten
6. Hawklightning --Wandering_Spirit-
7. Hawkeye -xXLunaWolfPupXx
8. Hawkscreech -Ginbellneko
9. Hawkflight -mintpelt1
10. Hawkberry -twilightmoon_cat


Hawkeye (xXLunaWolfPupXx )
Runner up:
Hawksplash (fernkitten )


1. Peacockheart -Zarkarikia
2. Peacockflash -dreamshade-
3. Peacockglow -starthehieoa
4. Peacockfeather --Deathscream-
5. Peacockcall -fernkitten
6. Peacockblizzard --Wandering_Spirit-
7. Peacockpelt -xXLunaWolfPupXx
8. Peacocktail -Ginbellneko
9. Peacockwish -mintpelt1
10. Peacockecho -twilightmoon_cat


Peacockcall (fernkitten )
Runner up:
Peacockecho (twilightmoon_cat )


1. Nightglow -Zarkarikia
2. Nightfeather -dreamshade-
3. Nightflight -starthehieoa
4. Nightshade --Deathscream-
5. Nightfern -fernkitten
6. Nightdoze --Wandering_Spirit-
7. Nightrunner -xXLunaWolfPupXx
8. Nightwhisker -Ginbellneko
9. Nightmoon -mintpelt1
10. Nightsong -twilightmoon_cat


Nightsong (twilightmoon_cat )
Runner up:
Nightfeather (dreamshade- )


1. Pumpkinstorm -Zarkarikia
2. Pumpkinberry -dreamshade-
3. Pumpkinlight -starthehieoa
4. Pumpkinshine --Deathscream-
5. Pumpkinblaze -fernkitten
6. Pumpkinpatch -xXLunaWolfPupXx
7. Pumpkinheart -Ginbellneko
8. Pumpkinpelt -mintpelt1
9. Pumpkinstone -twilightmoon_cat


Pumpkinpatch (xXLunaWolfPupXx )
Runner up:
Pumpkinpelt (mintpelt1 )


1. Waterbloom -Zarkarikia
2. Waterwatcher -dreamshade-
3. Waterwave -starthehieoa
4. Waterstep --Deathscream-
5. Waterstream -fernkitten
6. Waterstone --Wandering_Spirit-
7. Waterweaver -xXLunaWolfPupXx
8. Waterscale -Ginbellneko
9. Watersplash -mintpelt1
10. Waterthought -twilightmoon_cat


Waterstep (-Deathscream- )
Runner up:
Waterwatcher (dreamshade- )

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