You can let go now

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So if you guys have any suggestions, or anything, don't be afraid to comment!! I don't mind feed back and help is always welcomed :) Anyways...happy reading darlings!


Clarke heard the door open, and she tried to lift her head to see who was there, but she was too weak. She waited, listening to their approaching footsteps, breathing hard. She wanted to feel angry, but anger required effort, and she was far too exhausted to feel anything anymore. Clarke knew that she was going to die soon; they had already taken so much blood from her and given no time for her body to recover. She had given up on trying to get out; there was no point now because she couldn't even sit up without help.

"It's just me." William said, coming into view. His dark hair was messy, like he'd been sleeping, and there were dark circles under his eyes. 

Clarke closed her eyes again, relaxing a little. 

"Time to take more blood?" She murmured weakly.

"I brought you some soup." He replied, taking a seat on her bed. 

William quickly unbuckled her restraints, and pressed the button to move her into a sitting position. Clarke let out a small laugh, smiling at him. He returned the smile and offered her the cup; Clarke tried to lift her arms to take it from him. She wasn't strong enough, and her arms fell back onto the bed. Clarke sat there, drawing in deep breathes, an ache in her throat as she fought back tears. A pained expression crossed William's face, and he held the cup to her lips so she could sip the broth, holding her head up. The liquid hit her tongue and exploded over her taste buds, it's warmth flooding her body and making her feel somewhat stronger. William made her take it slow, so that she didn't make herself sick. When she was finished, Clarke sighed contently, closing her eyes once again because keeping them open tired her out.

"Thank you." She whispered, licking her dry lips.

William stood up and placed the empty cup in the sink. 

"You look a little better." He commented, sitting back down; something in his voice seemed off.

"I feel a bit better." She smiled. "You don't seem like yourself."

He sighed, making Clarke open her eyes to study him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and his skin was paler than normal. "It's your friends, Monty, Miller, and Raven." 

Clarke felt her heart sink. 

"What about them?" She demanded, sitting up a little straighter.

William's eyes widened at her sudden display of energy. 

"They're getting suspicious. Raven has them convinced that we're hurting you or something and it's becoming obvious that they are looking for answers. If they keep it up, Ellenor is going to find out and she will lock them up, use them for their blood."

"Why are you telling me this? What do you want me to do about it- I can't do anything!" Clarke's heart started to race. She needed to warn them somehow.

William ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. 

"I can arrange a meeting. Talk to them and tell them that we are taking care of you. Tell them that you had some sort of mental breakdown...anything." His eyes met hers and she saw the real meaning behind his words, the reason he had brought her soup; he was going to help them escape.

"And what is stopping me from telling them the truth?" She asked, playing along.

"They will kill all of you. If I set this up, you can't tell them what is actually happening to you."

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