And Burn

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As the party was getting to be to much ,the group said there goodbyes and headed home for some much needed sleep . The limousine driver was careful with his turns so he didn't wake up the pop stars in the back . Well all but one .
Evelynn looked down at the sleeping akali that was on her lap , she pulled off her hat and tossed it aside . Evelynn pulled akali's hair out of its ponytail and brushed it out with her fingers. "Such messy hair". Akali slightly woke up and looked up at Evelynn with a tired smile.

"Are we home yet ?.."

"No darling"


"Now what's the matter?"

"I wanna be in our bed ."

Evelynn smiled at her lover and cupped her cheek . "Like I said Rogue. Soon ."

"You both are adorable"Evelynn turns her head to the man driving the limousine, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Thank you sir"

"No need to thank me mrs.evelynn"

Akali now fast asleep again on Evelynns lap turns and wraps her arms around her waist. Evelynn smiles and continues to brush akalis hair .

"May I ask something?"


"What made you fall for her ?"

Evelynn thought for a moment and started to smile a little, her cheeks turning bright red . "Well it's a series of things if I may say so . But one in particular is her personality, she can use it to charm anyone and well i fell into that trap."

"How so ?" The man said while stopping at a light

"Well , I would flirt with her a lot and once she got the gist she kinda pushed away . I thought I would just stop but little did I know she wanted me to continue, but one night after me turning her down i felt that I had crushed my chances of actually realizing what love is so .. I decided to give her a chance ... and that lead to what we are today ."

The man smiled at the story and started to drive again. "Well , if I give you advice about something don't think to much but take it as a small warning."

Evelynn raised her eyebrow . "And that advice is ?"

"Always love someone throughout all obstacles, arguing won't get you anywhere"

Evelynn thought about what the man said while looking at her lover , sound asleep in her lap . She looked back up at the man and sighed . "Thank you sir , what is your name if I may ask ?"

"Just call me jet"

"Thank you jet"


Finally arriving at the penthouse, the girls dragged themselves out of the limousine and to the front doors. Evelynn turned around and handed jet her card "call me if you ever wanna quit this job , I would like to have you as our personal driver." Jet took the card and nodded "thank you mrs.Evelynn". Jet drove away and Evelynn headed to the doors , she pushed them open and looked at the three waiting for her "ready ?" . They all nodded and took the elevator up , Ahri was nodding off a bit so Evelynn nudged her a little, Ahri looked at her and raised a brow .

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