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Before I Start to talk about dua and the acceptance for it i would like to tell you firstly that english is not my motherlanguage so I will make mistakes. And i am very sorry for it :/. But i hope i can help someone and you understand throw out my bad english.

Fistly I will talk bout 2 factors which are very important to mention and these are patience and the good, strong Intention, because it is sometimes the Intention which can change your life throw dua or the patience which you bring off for the acceptance of the duaa.

Dua means supplication to God.In arabic God means Allah. When you make dua to Allah you submit to him your weakness which is not wrong because when you submit it you are being honest towards him and yourself. Allah sayed that he made the human being weak so it is not bad to submit it to Allah, your creator. Dua also makes a living relationship with Allah and is a " dialouge" between you and Allah.

When you make dua you have to be patient. Allah made the human being, thats why he knows best how to develope spitituality in a person. With patience you control your ego. But patience is also very important because some of your duas will not be answered right away because it is possible that Allah will accept your dua on right time or maybe he will Safe it for the hereafter or the dua will be used to protect you from a disaster.

But we need to understand that there is a way of asking for example you see a bettler who wants money. He will come to you and will "praise" you with :"you have such and such and you have cars...". like in Pakistan. I experince that and the next thing is that they mention theire condition how bad theire health is . And they beg you until you have to give something.

That shows us that we have to praise our Lord first and thank him for that what he gave us and then to ask for forgiveness. And to beg him to give us what we want.

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