Best friends

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Team's WhatsApp

Rohit : Everything ready?

Jinks: off course Ro.

R:Mahi bhai you have to bring Virat,okay ?

Mahi: I know Ro. I am going to Virat's room only so see you guys.

Bhuvi: everyone be ready.

Everyone : yes boss

In Virat's room

Virat was sitting on bed when bhai entered and went to sit beside him.

Mahi: wanna go out a bit as I am feeling bored.

V: Is anyone else coming?

Mahi: no just two of us. Said hiding his smile as he know Virat was expecting Rohit to come.

V: okay.

Soon they headed to the destination , Though  Virat kept asking him where they are going Mahi bhai kept me in suspense much to Virat's indignation.
As soon as they reached there someone blindfolded him and Mahi bhai show him the way.

V: bhai what's this? Are you kidnapping me?

Mahi: shut up cheeku.

V: Mahi bhai, bhai
But no answer was heard so he removed blind fold and it was pitch dark , as soon as he removed it . He was overwhelmed there was his pictures since his debut , him with everyone close to his heart hanging on wall .

Soon a video starts on the projector

It was Rohit

R: Do you remember Virat the first time we met and I forgot my phone in stadium you went with me to Mahi bhai, since then you have been there with me in every moment of my life supporting me, encouraging me, loving me. I always had your arm around me whenever I needed it the most. In every crunch situation of my life the one thing was constant and that was your presence, motivating me. In happy moments you are their celebrating it more than me, annoying me . I can't expect my life without you in it , it feels nothing is beautiful in life without you , without your antics. I love you Virat.

Then it switch to all moments of Rohirat since their debut up till now, it was like their whole 11 years of friendship was embedded in it .

Virat has tears in his eyes watching all this with every passing seconds he was reminiscing all his memories with Rohit. Their fights , both of them setting Percy uncle on jinks , their partnership, Mahi Bhai's scolding to them , Rohit cheering him whenever he was down, irritating him, him pouring water on Rohit's head to wake him up, Rohit forgetfulness, Everything . The life without Rohit in it send shivers through him.

He was brought back from his trance by Rohit's voice, he was standing in front of Virat.

R: I am sorry Vi , plz mujhe maaf kardo , I know I made a mistake but I didn't mean even a single word I spoke. Plz forgive me, your friendship is most important in my life, I can't expect my life without you. Plz forgive me.

Rohit was having tears in his eyes as he thought he lost Virat and as much as Ro miss his vi, Vi has also missed his Ro . So Virat threw his arms around him  and Rohit cried his guilt out while Virat held him trying to calm his sobbing best friend.

V: shhhhh Ro I forgive you, you know na I can't remain angry with you for long time. You are not only my best friend but also my brother. Don't cry .

R: I am sorry Vi , I will never talk to you like this again.

V: Arre then who will fight with me ? My life would be so boring.

Both of them laugh at the statement .

Team: we will also get bored without you guys fighting.
  Hearing teams voice they parted from hug and smile at each other sheepishly.

Harry: Thank God you guys make up it's sad to see you both giving silent treatment .

Everyone agreed wholeheartedly as Rohirat are pretty much heart and soul of team . All of them party for some time and return to their hotel.

Rohirat stayed with each other for whole time and even at night after talking with each other they slept peacefully in Virat's room , knowing that they will never leave each other no matter what .

Best friends can't stay angry at each other.

Guys end of my story tell me how it is. Keep voting and commenting. Congratulation India won today 😇😇🤗🤗🤗😀

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