14 + useless note abt hiatus and school

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Hi! Keith here! So I found a way to make the plot less shittier. I need to change the whole upcoming chapters, and it's gonna be a long ass ride. So then, this is PrObABLy going to be the last chapter before I go on a mini hiatus AND also school (I could probably finish chap 15 before Im busy but idk). So, this book is going to be on a hiatus until 10th-11th January, because I'm going to have some busy stuff going on. And then after that, BAM! School break is over too :( My plan is 5 days=1 chap, but since school is shit I'm sorry I wish I could promise you anything. And please readers ilysm please don't leave this book, I love yall. (^_^)

BTW TY FOR 597 READS! Maybe for you its not a big number, but I appreciate yalls support :D

They both gather up in Hyunjins room. All the maids were trying their best to heal Moonbyuls wounds. At the same time, Moonbyul told about the incident that had happened.

"Heo Yuri and Kim Sehyoon beated me up. Because I payed late-" Moonbyuls eyes were filling with tears.

Wait what? Hyunjin furrowes his brows, full of questions. He was really overwhelmed by the situation.

"I payed them to shut up you know! I had to, my gang members have secrets and they knew all of them! I payed weekly so theyll shut up!I cant let them know. You know how much the principal hates us! Moonbyul took a deep breath, she tries to control her emotions, One is pregnant, two used to be a thief, and then there was this boy who always drinks altough hes not 18 yet, and three of them are closeted gay! I cant let these be exposed to the adults!"

The maids were in silent, and after using medicine in all of Moonbyuls bruises, they asked if bothh of them wanted to be alone, which both of them nodded.

Moonbyul looked like she wanted to cry. As a leader of her motorcycle gang, she wanted to be responsible for the gang. Hyunjin never saw Moonbyul this fragile, and he was struggling to comfort her, but both of them ended with a hug.

Lately, Hyunjin had felt as his life was getting pretty dramatic, like in books he always read. It broke his heart more as he keeps thinking about it.

Moonbyul stayed until night, after dinner. While she was already away, Hyunjin opened the chat. Jisung was celebrating that his parents didnt mind about his sexuality, altough both of their parents are religious. And then Seungmins chat came up, in private chat.

Seungmin- Hei

Seungmin-Do you know a book by 6Day called, How Can I say

Seungmin- I love their works so much, like its so good

Hyunjin- Im not like a big fan of 6Day,but I think I read congratulations

Seungmin- Wah you have it :0

Seungmin- Thats not really published anymore and its sO hard to find ugh

Hyunjin- You can borrow it anytime from me

Seungmin- Can I go to your house tomorrow?

Hyunjin-Sure why not

Seungmin-Hei it is weird if I talk to someone and my stomach feels... uh ticklish? Idk its weird

Hyunjin- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe you like someone?

Seungmin- wOw is this what it feels

Hyunjin- WHO YOU LIKE?

Seungmin- hahaha

Seungmin- bold of you to assume Im gonna tell anyone

Hyunjin- Why :(

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