Necessary Salutations

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Hi everybody!

So, against all odds (we really thought nobody would read our book and that we would never put it completely out, in the end) we've reached the end of Book I of the Saga of the Oneiron.

Some things have been cleared, some more haven't, so many more nobody even knows are going on.

We really hope we'll be able to share the complete Oneiron Saga adventures with you all. You have been a blessing and a marvel to us all, and we have absolutely basked in the wonderful feedback and love you have given us throughout the months. We got to discover precious people and wonderful books, and that's much more than we expected.

So, we're now taking a little break. Even if book two, Lost Kindred, is well ready, we couldn't stop our writer/profile main responsible from going all over it during the festivities. It will take some time because of heavy persnicketiness, but we promise you we won't keep you on the line for long.

Even because we will greatly miss you.

So, feel free to add here any thoughts and impressions on the whole opera, now that you've reached the end of it. Your feedback is our lifeline, and we need so much fuel to be able to start working on the next trilogy - not to mention the spinoffs! So, tell us what you liked, what you hated, what you would have done better, differently, critics, jokes, t-shirt requests everything!

Also, remember we've shyly started an Instagram profile: oneiron_saga, where we'll post quotes and maybe, if we get people who are actually interested in it, snippets of our workflow, lives and, who knows, maybe sneak peeks!

So, for now, have the best New Year's you could!

Lots and lots of love,

Daniel McFate

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