Todoroki x FemReader💜

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Reader POV:
As I make my way to the UA entrance for school I get this uneasy feeling that someone is watching me, I think well that's weird so I speed walk a bit to make sure I was safe, as I was about to go back to my regular pace I here tiny foot steps behind me. As I here them I go into full panic mode and start running into UA, as I'm running I bump into a tall muscular type figure and look back up and see my boyfriend Shoto "OMGSHOTOITHINKTHEREISSOMEONEFOLLOWINGME" (translation: omg shoto I think there is someone following me) I yell out and looks back at me with concerned eyes, Shoto replies back to me " do you know who it is?" With his face turning into a very serious one, and me getting kinda scared but also knowing he does this because he loves me "no I don't know Shoto" I replied back to him still shaken up.

Time skip from Bakugos gay ass self

I go on with my regular classes but having trouble focusing because all of my thoughts are going through my head and still feeling the dark aura of someone watching me but I try to keep a level head the whole time, I snap out of my thoughts when Cemtose calls on me and asks " Y/N please solve the following problem" y/n looked at the board it read if x + m= 30,393 what are x and m's factors, with my mind still clouded with thoughts I squeaked out "ummm u-uh it's ummm-" as I was stuttering, I was interrupted by a voice in the back of the classroom as I turn my head to look at who it is I see Todoroki stand up and speak " the answer is x equals 56924 and m equals 26531" I let out a sigh of relief as I look at shoto and give him a warm smile and returns the favor, as I sit back down Cementos tells me " Y/N you should be paying more attention in my class" I reply back almost immediately "Of course sensei I'm sorry" as he turns back around to teach the rest of the class I try to think more about the learning then my personal life.

Time skip to lunch

As I finish getting my sushi from the lunch line I start walking over there, as I was about to see the table everyone was at I feel a hand smack my ass, I turn around to see who did it but I was too late. I rush over to my table where I see Shoto, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida, as I sit down I let out a long sigh and start to eat but then everyone looks at me with a concerned look on there faces I ask "what's wrong" still confused about everything why they where looking at me as Midoriya says " Y/N where worried about you, you haven't been yourself all day and you look very sad" iida then chimes in "I have to agree with Midoriya, Y/N are you sure everything is ok" I then repeat myself again "it's ok guys I'm fine" pulling through most realistic looking smile I can muster, after a little bit Shoto grabs my face to make me look in he's eyes "Y/N are you 100% your ok because I know when your smile is real and that wasn't a real smile" at that the moment I start to burst air sobbing into my hands "why does today have to be so hard" I continued sobbing quietly, Shoto quickly wraps his arms around me to make me feel better, I go on " all day I felt like some was following me" I cry into Shotos chest thinking of telling them about earlier. After I calmed down a bit I take a deep breath and whisper "also there was this random person who tapped my ass" shoto replies wait I couldn't hear you, the rest of dekusquad nods in agreement and scoots closer I say a bit louder "also this random person tapped my ass" as I trail on with my sentence I look up from my feet I've been staring at. I looked up and saw a bunch of mixed reactions Shoto and Uraraka looked like they where going to murder someone and Iida and Midoriya looked shocked but also just wanted to comfort there friend. "Don't worry Y/N I'll make sure they don't bother you again" Shoto said in a very scary voice, I replied quickly and said "there's no need for that Shoto, I don't want you getting in trouble any ways plus it happens a lot outside of school a lot any way so..." (in this Your thicccccq so if your not in real life this your lucky day) "ok that's it I'm never letting you walk by yourself" the whole squad said in unison. We hear the bell so we get up and walk to our next class.


Todorokis POV🔥❄️:
As I finish getting ready in the locker room I over here a conversation from denki and mineta, as I listen in I here Y/N name being said and other words but I can't hear that well, so peek my head around the corner to hear what there talking about, I listen in more and here exactly what I needed to hear......

Denkis POV⚡️:
As I wait for mineta to get his hero costume on all he's talking about is how touched Y/N's butt which is totally not ok because I went to school with her so he knows that I don't like talking about her like that. As he keeps Rampling on about how "soft and squishy her butt was" I look up and see todoroki death eyeing mineta but sense he knows me and Y/N grew up together he knows I wouldn't be talking about her in that way. As mineta says "but even after following her around and finally feeling that super hot body, I could never date a slut like her" (god it made me so mad to write that), before I picked him in the face all I could see was a flash of white so I cover my eyes so shield myself from it I look back up and see mineta covered in ice with todoroki choking him out screaming in his face "WHAT THE FUCK MINETA, Y/N HAS BEEN SCARED ALL DAMN DAY ABOUT HOW SHE FELT SOMEONE WAS FOLLOWING HER AND IT TURNED OUT TO BE YOU THE SCUM OF CLASS 1A, PLUS YOU THOUGH YOU HAD THE RIGHT TO TOUCH HER BODY WITHOUT CONSENT WHICH IS A DOUBLE DOUCH BAG MOVE AND THEN RIGJT AFTER THAT 2 MINUTES AGO YOU CALLED HER A SLUT WHICH SHE IS NOT SO PLEASE TRY TO GIVE ME AN EXCUSE TO WHY YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OK TO DO ALL OF THIS TO Y/N", after all of that I looked at him wide eyed after hearing his rant then mineta was about to make and excuse before he was knocked it by todorokis fist.

Todorokis POV❄️🔥:
After my moment of screaming I was about to let mineta go before he said "Y/N is still a sl-" before he could even finish his sentence I punch his square in the nose which I probably broke, I turned my head and said to denki "can you please take this trash to recovery girl" he just nodded in agreement and took mineta away from me and swung him over his shoulder. As I walked out of the locker I found Y/N standing alone so I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, Y/N jumped a bit and said "oh it's just you shoto, what where you in the locker room for so long" I replied with a slight grin "oh nothing but I can promise you you will not be followed any longer" Y/N giggled a bit which made my heart beat 10x faster and said "OK BOOMER!!" Ok y'all that was a joke here's the real ending
Y/N giggled a bit which my heart beat 10x faster and said " Ok shoto whatever you say". I pecked her on the cheek and started to pay attention to what aizawa was saying.

The End~

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