Chapter 1: Where my Parents Met.( A Flashback story)

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Abigail grabbed her blue genie lamps from her little coral themed shelf and sat on her fluffy bed, her sister Alauany then opened her bedroom door and smiled, "Mum and Dad told me to tuck you in and tell you a story so, what you want to here sis?"
Abigail scratched her fluffy dark brown,dirty blonde hair and sighed while, her sister tucked her in. "Hmm? Can we ask Jr. for some stories, he always tells good ones." Abigail said as Alauany shook her head, "Sorry, but our older brother is catching some Z's, he's been training a lot like father recently so-" Abigail frowned but, soon grinned with excitement as a light bulb popped above her head.
  "Abby, what are ya thinking right-", "Can you tell the story of how Mum and Dad met?" Abby interrupted as Alauany's wonder turned into a smile and she, sat on Abigail's bed and started her story, "Of course! I'm surprised you haven't heard it before okay, so this is how it began!"

It was a Gloomy ,Windy, Autumn evening and our mum just so happen to be at a certain Lighthouse at the time.
The Lighthouse where our grandfather and grandmother met and where our father always came when he was "Sober".   

Abigail cocked her head with curiosity, "What's Sober?" "Not being Drunk sis." Alauany replied, as Abigail chuckled, "Haha, Dad's hardly that, he's about always drinking every so often ." "I know sister that's why I did Air-quotes. Now, let me continue please?" "Hmp, okay."

Any who, that day our Mum was thinking of her ex-boyfriend, her ex(the one that she doesn't like us to speak of), had cheated on her that day and she was deciding whether to come back to him or to just let him go...
Because on that day he did apologize to her, and she thought it was at least a little genuine, or was yelling and manipulating  an apology? She kept thinking to herself ,
" Is this really worth my time and Am I
really ready to go back to this man or should I just move on." She spoke to herself.    Abigail, interrupted again, "Move on! Move on! Or we might end up like weird children who would hate their father!"
"Abigail, of course, she moved on! Because, she met our father, but I can't get to that if you keep interrupting and also that was oddly specific, what are you getting at?" "N.nothing continue, I won't interrupt again." "Ok, Abigail, don't stop me this time." Abigail nodded as Alauany continued her story.

Also during this time our father had broke up with his "girlfriend" Mera..  Technically they were never really dating, but he thought so.  At Least since Mera kissed him in all..But, like all want to be fairy tales it went wrong..
Mera fell in love with someone else(someone she was trying to trick),  and went away with him leaving our father alone with the ache to bare. To cope with his problems he went to his father's Lighthouse where our Grandparents(Thomas and Atlanna) fell in love, our father, unaware  someone was already there, waiting on a sign, a miracle to help him(A.K.A our Mother)..

That day he trugged up the Lighthouse with a huge groan on his back, for this time he was partially Hung over. "Ugh, why did you leave me for him Mera! Was I really that bad of a guy and Why the Hell did you act liked you liked me then!?" He shouted while finally reaching the top of the Lighthouse.
Our mother a bit shook then looked toward the opening of the top of the Lighthouse Tower, in which our father emerged out of..

When our mother saw our father she was in complete awe, for his muscles and his complete look in fact, she never seen anything like him, except for in Blindful TV shows.
Well, that's at least what she tells me anyway... "Hey, Um sir are you okay you seem a bit upset." Our mother said sympathetically as our father looked to her and smirked. "Me what about you, you don't look so well yourself sweetheart." He chuckled making our mother blushed at his remark and also scoffed.
"Fine, I was only trying to be nice but if you don't want me here then I'll just-". She said walking to the exit of the Lighthouse Tower. "Hold on dear." Our father's Strong grip latched on to our Mother's Fragile arm. "I was just teasing you,you can leave if you want but I wouldn't mind the company, I.I need some right now anyway."
Our mother smiled and then went to the Lighthouse railing and stared out into the dark starry distance. "So, why did you come here?" She asked, curiously. "To get away from my problems you?"
Our father replied as our mother smiled , "Same, I just want some time to myself where I don't have to think about which Ice Cream I want or if I should let someone back into my life who hurt me, you know." Our father looked at her with deep understanding and said "Yeah, I feel you."
He then grabbed her hand and held onto it looking into the distance with her and smiling. "My name Z you?"..."Arthur. My name is Arthur Curry, and it's nice to meet you Z."

Alauany smiled as she stopped and looked to see that her sister was asleep and she smiled and walked out the room, awaiting another day, to tell another story.

Alauany smiled as she stopped and looked to see that her sister was asleep and she smiled and walked out the room, awaiting another day, to tell another story

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