On many occasions of the past I have wondered if I am the only one who can see past the now and into the more important problems. I never liked being the only one to not care about the little things and often imagine that other people see the larger issues like me but never say a word about them. For fear of some unknown variable in life.
I have been scared of the same fears before, I used to never talk much for I thought I would say something that I would be mocked for but in recent years of my short 15 year life I have started to speak more of my mind. However through I speak more of my mind I hide more of my feels and at times I am sorry to say my mouth needs a filter.
I spend close to 40 hours a week during the school year being surrounded by people who seem obsessed with the little everyday issues of high school that in the summer will not matter. I hear gossip almost everyday, the world of high school seems to revolve around melodramatics. No matter the day, high school is busy, today was my first day back from a five-day weekend and it was just as melodramatic as in the middle of the week. High school is a twisting and turning sea of youth that mix and separate but somehow are always contrasting. Newton’s third law of motion has never been so true, every thing about the world of high school has the equal and opposite react, you cannot talk with out a opposite react. I know that Newton’s third law applies to everything but on a small scale high school is a perfect example. The jocks and the nerds, the date less and the people who never stop kissing, the F-‘s and the A+’s, the town kid ands the country kids, sweats pants and the yoga pants. Pick any one thing about a student of high school and I promise you will find a equal and opposite thing in another. Players and carers, brands and off brands, humor and humorless, strict and fool hearty; every pair contrasts and every one you can find in the student body population of any high school.
Everyday, school starts and people of every shape, size, attitude and personality are forced to interact with one another. Told by law that until they are sixteen they must attend a school and usually made to go to the public school because of their accessibility. I understand that school is school that it educates and is a important part of life for without it the next generation would be left to be self taught or teached by others who may or may not be wise. My main problem with high school is the fact that in total we are told to think for our selves but forced to abide the rules of other generations. Every day, educated to be critical thinkers and the second we exercise our minds we are either shamed or scolded or told we are too young to understand or do not see the bigger issue.
I known that it may harsh to hear but think about. I am a Canadian teenager and have tried to be critical thinker, I love thinking and questioning the world around. I stay up all night thinking about the reason for someone’s sudden change of heart or manner around another person. I am continuingly observing the world around me and noting every little detail about each situation, so I can figure out people’s motives. You know your messed up when you do not believe people enough to trust them.