Chapter 1

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It's funny how your entire life feels normal and then out of no where everything changes. when I say everything changes... I literally mean EVERYTHING. I bet your curious to know what I'm talking about. Well let's start off with an introduction. My name is Lynn. I live in west hills California and I go to a high school called Factions high. They are split up into 5 groups. The kind ( annoying) Amity, the Smart (annoying) Erudite, the selfless (weirdos) Abnegation, the honest (bitches) Candor, and the Brave (awesome) Dauntless. They are magnet programs. The dauntless want to go to the military. The candor want to become lawyers and judges. The abnegation are pretty much just charity. The erudite want to be researchers, teachers, ect. And the amity want to be vets and farmers. I belong to the military faction. Which is totally awesome. But the sad part is that this is our last year. Senior year. Then all us dauntless really go out to the army and be badasses there. My friends (Zeke, Marlene, Uriah, Christina, Will, Shauna, Tris) and I are going to make this the best year ever. Zeke and Uriah are brothers, and Shauna and I are sisters. Christina and Will are dating, Marlene and Uriah aredating and Zeke and Shauna are dating. I on the other hand am single. the only one in the group... But since everyone else is to busy with their relationships I can drop all of them on their asses. So if I had to use one word to describe myself in one word... it would be awesome. Not only am I awesome at fighting, but I'm also REALLY good looking. Like I could win sexiest woman alive if I wanted to. But no one really notices my good looks or charming personality cause they are too busy getting their ass whooped by me. That's how awesome I truly am. Don't get me wrong though. I do have A LOT of issues. I went through a lot when I was little but I'm fine now. Don't get too surprised when I go into a nervous breakdown for something really stupid. That's mostly why I'm single. I act cool but when I'm alone most of that changes. You'll figure out my issues soon enough.

Hey hope you liked the first super short chapter! Just testing it to see how it goes. if you want more you can leave a comment or vote on the story. when I get to 2 comments or 10 votes I will write another chapter. love ya!


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